Patisserie de Bain | Review


Hand cream is something I go through so fast, it's a tricky thing to get right sometimes though. Some are too oily and never rub in and others moisturises your hands for 5 minutes and then dry in so fast you wouldn't of even known you had put any on! I've tried plenty of different ones in the past and mostly stick to my trusty Body Shop Hemp hand cream so I was super pleased when this little box turned up at my door. I was very lucky to have been sent these beautiful Patisserie de Bain creams to try and can't wait to tell you all about them.

10 Things To Do To Get You In The Christmas Mood

Let's be honest Christmas is pretty much everyone's favourite holiday of the year, right? Lots of yummy food, presents and spending quality time with your loved ones. 
As soon as December hits time seems to just fly by and it's quite hard to fit everything in that you want to do but I've put a little list together of my top 10 things to get you in the Christmas mood and enjoy the holiday! 


Cosy Christmas Haul


Only a few more weeks to go until it's CHRISTMAS! I thought i would share with you some bits I've picked up this Christmas season in preparation. This year I set myself the task of getting all my presents sorted by December so whilst I was browsing for presents I kept finding festive bits for me. I always like to get a Christmas candle, pair of pyjamas and socks to wear throughout December but as you can see I found quite a bit I wanted this year, haha! I will leave a list and links down below to where you can find my little treasures.

Health Food Bars | The Good, The Bad & The Very Yummy


If you know me it will come as no surprise to you that I would do a post on raw health bars eventually. I probably go through 3/4 health bars (on average) a week, i can't get enough. I've never been that adventurous though and tend to stick with the same brands, so when The Primal Pantry got in touch with me to try their yummy paleo bars and write a post for them I didn't hesitate. Which is where the idea of trying a variety of different bars and reviewing them for you guys came in so you can get an idea of what's yummy and what might be a waste of money, because let's be honest they aren't cheap are they?

It's A Lush Christmas / Winter Haul

It's not Christmas without a Lush haul right? Every year Lush bring out their winter/Christmas range in November and it really gets you in the festive mood. This year was no exception. I try to stay away from Lush as much as I can as I'm a bit like a kid in a sweet shop in there, I forget you have to pay money for them in the end and go crazy picking everything up insisting I can't leave without it. I don't have a bath at home so I like to splurge a little at Lush when I know I'm going away somewhere that has a bath, which so happens to be in two weeks time for a few days. Some of the bits I picked up were around last winter so lots of you will probably have already tried them but ill tell you about them anyway :)

The Must Have Red Nail Polish This A/W

I love OPI. For as long as I can remember probably before I even went to beauty college I loved OPI nail polishes, that being said they are probably one of the most expensive nail polish brands available. Now the season has changed to autumn and leaves are finally beginning to change I knew it was time to find myself the perfect red polish. 
Autumn is my favourite season of the year, especially now I've added this gorgeous shade to my LARGE collection of beautiful polishes. 

Roseberry Balmi | Review

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Let me start off by saying, this was an absolute nightmare to take a photo of! Shiny metallic objects are not easy to capture and it's a miracle I finally managed to get two half way decent photos. On the plus side, isn't it GORGEOUS? Never before have I seen a rose gold lipbalm so when the Balmi HQ sent me over this beautiful balm to try I was over the moon. Your probably wondering at this point what flavour it is because I certainly had no idea, I mean it could be anything. True to its packaging it's called "Roseberry" and I couldn't wait to open it and find out what delicious scent it had. This is where its gets a little tricky, I actually don't know how to describe it! I thought it might possibly smell of roses but it's a fruity smell (& taste), reminds me a bit of a Chapstick boots sold when I was a child that was strawberry flavour but without being intensely sweet. I can't really tell anything from the ingredients as it just states "aroma".

Matcha | Bluebird Tea

I was very lucky to have recently been sent Matcha green tea to try from my favourite tea company Bluebird Tea Co, if you've been reading my blog for a while you will know I have reviewed their pouches of tea leaves in the past too! I was so surprised when a full size tin of the original matcha and two sample sized tins turned up in the post, I was expecting just one small sample - aren't they the best! I would be surprised if you haven't heard of matcha before, it's been a staple in Japan for many years and is a firm favourite due to its healing and immune boosting properties.
It's made in quite a different way to your usual green tea as instead of using actual tea bags you use just half a tea spoon of matcha powder and add boiling (80 degrees celsius) water and whisk.

How Clean Are Your Make Up Brushes?


The struggle is real. 
Trying to get make up out of brushes is bloody hard work. One of the most important things you need to know about applying make up with a brush is that you HAVE to clean them regularly, if your make up tools are dirty not only will you probably end up with spots but it can ruin your make up look too. Until this year i hardly ever cleaned my brushes, disgusting right? Think of all the germs I was spreading over my face, ergh. Make up brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria so it's really important we clean them weekly if they are used everyday. I'm sure everyone has their own way or technique but this is what works me for so I thought I would share it with you!

Yankee Candle | Cotton Candy Review


A while ago I reviewed the Red Velvet Yankee Candle (here) and pretty much declared no other candle will ever come close to how much I love it. This one might possibly be giving Red Velvet a run for its money, although I probably shouldn't compare them as they are two quite different scents. Both are sweet but I think the Cotton Candy scent is a little more summery but its ok to burn it all year long too! Mid winter would be ideal when your craving that summer sun and can pretend your lying on a beach somewhere instead of it being -5 degrees outside.
It reminds me of going to the funfair on the beach as a child, the smell of cotton candy or as we call it in the UK candy floss floating in the air and me begging my parents for a bag.

My Birthday | + A Present Haul


How am I 27? When did I blink and become a proper adult. I think I've somehow got stuck at 25 as it's the age I kept telling everyone I was even though I was really 26 - apparently my brain couldn't comprehend being that old! 3 years from 30, how bloody scary is that. Birthday aren't exactly my favourite time of the year unfortunately, since becoming ill (6 years!) the thought of getting older scares me a bit, knowing that I am still sick, that my birthday just marks another year of being unwell and not being where I wanted to be by now. So we try to do something nice to take my mind of it and enjoy it for what it is, this year we went away for a night and had a scrumptious afternoon tea.

My Top 10 Things To Do This Autumn


I LOVE autumn, it's my all time favourite season. Spring is a very close second. It's such a beautiful time of year when the leaves are falling from the trees and you get to relish in the crisp cool weather, although what happened to summer this year in the UK?
The boots are back out and I'm already hunting down my winter coat whilst simultaneously planning Halloween, one of my favourite holidays! There's nothing more satisfying than the crunch of leaves under your feet is there? So here's my list of my top 10 things to do this autumn to get the most out of the season before winter hits in December, boo.

Tangle Angel VS Tangle Teezer


I think we've all heard of the Tangle Teezer haven't we? They've been around since 2007 and are pretty much the must have hair brush. I don't know if many people remember but they were showcased originally on Dragons Den and actually turned down by the Dragons, I bet they wish they hadn't done that now! Until recently I didn't think there was any products like the Tangle Teezer (other than the knock off ones you see in Primark that are rubbish!) but it turns out a company called "Tangle Angel" offer a range of brushes which are pretty similar and work pretty much the same way. The Tangle Angel was designed by celebrity hairdresser Richard Ward because he wanted something that his hair stylists could use in his salons that don't slip out your hand whilst your using them (Tangle Teezer - you do, do this im afraid) so he designed a brush that you could hold either at the handle or by the wings if you need greater control.


Lush Christmas Sneak Peek


That's right, somehow Lush's winter list has been leaked to the public, hurrah!
I'm pretty sure they all come out in October so we haven't got to long to wait but these photos were not meant to be released until the end of September so, your welcome. Plus, thank you to whoever found these originally! We love you.
So from top left to bottom right let's find out what they all are.

The Perfect Movie Night Essentials


I've been thinking about writing a post about the perfect movie night in for sometime and then as if by magic the lovely people over at Proper Corn sent me some popping corn to try, what's more essential to a movie night than popcorn I ask? Ever since I was a child I've associated watching movies or cinema trips with popcorn, you can smell it as soon as you open the door and it's such a yummy smell that triggers great memories for me. So although I was sorted on the popcorn front, we needed some more snacks, becauses what a movie night without you pigging out on junk food!


Popband London | Your New Best Friend


Popband London are not a particularly new company but I've only just come across them. They make hair bands that don't crease your hair and leave it kink free when you take your hair down. Pretty neat huh? I first tried one of these type of hair ties when I received a pack by a brand called Bandzees in a Pink Parcel box earlier in the year and loved them! I suffer with frequent headaches and normal hair ties can sometimes make my hair feel tight and my headache worse, these bands you can hardly feel but yet they keep your hair in position perfectly. 

August Favourites

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I'm back with my second favourites post! Coincidentally I've ended up with 8 favourite products again, a right mixture of bits too - some beauty, some edible! Let's crack on.

The Melt Crowd - September | Flamingo Candles

(Click on the photo to see them up close)

Back in July I got my first box from Flamingo Candles and couldn't of been happier (you can find it here) and today I received Septembers box in the post which seems crazy because how is it September already?? You might at this point be wondering what happened to August but I was so busy I didn't have time to review it, however i will pop a picture of it at the bottom so you can see what was in that box! If you have never heard of Flamingo Candles and have not read my post from July then here a little info about it all..


Lush Haul | New Summer Products

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It's been such a long time since I've done a Lush haul, I don't manage to get to Lush that often and when I do I only really pick up 1 or 2 things since it's all so pricey! A few weeks ago Lush released their summer range even though summer is basically over now, a lot of the products were London's Oxford Street exclusives which i so desperately wanted to try. I only really live about hour and half away by train to London but since my illness took a turn for the worst a few years ago I haven't ventured in so i had missed out on all these goodies, until now.


Joe and Seph | The Poshcorn

Whilst Joe and Seph's are not a new company I think that many people have never heard of them before. They are a family run business that started out back in 2010 and all the popcorn is handmade in London. They've won 15 great taste awards, so you can imagine your taste buds are in for a treat when you purchase their corn! I first came across them a few years ago when I bought my boyfriend a couples of pouches to put in his stocking, knowing how much he loves his popcorn. The lovely Madision from Joe and Seph's HQ sent me 4 pouches AND one of the new sauces (I know, how generous!) to try and I can tell you it didn't take long for me to rip open the first packet, it was all i could do not to open them all at once and eat the sauce straight out of the jar but somehow I found a little bit of self control! 


My Jo Malone Favourites


Ever since I got my first Jo Malone fragrance 2 years ago on my way to Italy I have been slightly addicted to this luxury collection. My first and probably still my favourite fragrance was Vanilla and Anise but sadly it ran out a couple of months back and I have yet to replace it, I've been lucky enough though to have been gifted by family a couple more and I love them just as much. It's not pictured here but I have French Lime Blossom aswell, although it's lime and judging by the name you would think its a summer smell I think it's more an autumn winter scent. It's quite musky with hints of lime and bergamot so it's a heavy scent which in the summer I don't think works on the skins aswell as light delicate, floral scents.


Cool Down With Coconut This Summer


I am a huge coconut fan, anyone who knows me will tell you that. I love coconut water and regularly drink it along with using coconut oil in my cooking (and my hair!), it's not often you see ice lollies made from coconut though. I did attempt my own last summer using coconut water but they lacked taste and were pretty bland if I'm honest. So coconut fruit ices are pretty exciting to me and I bet other coconut lovers out there will feel the same too! When these turned up on my doorstep (thank you Smooze!) i pretty much knew I would like them there and then, plus it was bloody hot that day and my mouth was watering at the thought of a nice cold ice lolly! 

Why Colouring Is Good For Your Mental Health


Until recently colouring was a fun activity that was reserved only for children and any adult that bought a colouring book with the intent of using it themselves was considered a bit weird. Well how things have changed! Adult colouring books are even outselling cookery books, how crazy is that. So in a turn of events it appears that colouring is now a form of therapy to relieve both stress and anxiety. I bought my first colouring book last year when I was going through a bout of stress from insomnia and bad health, I thought it would help to reduce my anxiety levels and provide me with that much needed calm feeling I so desperately craved. 

Dr PawPaw - Are They Worth The Hype?

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So I want to tell you about this little British company that I've recently fallen in love with. There are so many things about Dr PawPaw that I like that I don't even know where to start. I was very lucky to be sent this trio to try recently, it's the first time I had used the Dr PawPaw brand but I have tried a balm that is very similar before, the Papaya Gold Paw Paw Balm in fact. They are alike in the way that both are made from the same main ingredient which of course is Papaya, Papaya Gold however is an Australian brand and they add in Manuka Honey so maybe not ideal for anyone who has a beeswax allergy.


My Thoughts On The #YouLookDisgusting Campaign

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I recently came across a YouTube video by a beautiful young women called Em Ford, a beauty blogger who also runs a YouTube channel called My Pale Skin. She often posts tutorials on her channel showing other adult acne sufferers how to cover up imperfections/scars with make up and I must admit she's pretty amazing at it too! Sadly she's faces a lot of critistim and abuse in the comment section from viewers cyber bullying her, stating that she's ugly without make up or that they can't look at her or on the contrary that she was misleading people because she covered her acne up with "too much make up".


Nails Of The Week | Essie


Oops, its been quite a while since I wrote a post on what's on my nails! I tend to rush doing my nails every week and then forget to take photos, what a bad beauty blogger I am. In my June favourites I included my Essie Fiji polish which is my all time favourite Essie nail colour, although Mint Candy Apple is a very close second. I was having a look through my HUGE collection for something a little different to the pinks I have been wearing lately and came across this little beauty that had been sadly forgotten, pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Graze | Good To Go

Im so excited to be sharing this new range launched by Graze! When the lovely people at Graze HQ asked if I wanted to try the new "Graze - Good To Go" range I literally jumped at the chance! I've previously had the boxes delivered through my letterbox as have most people I think and love that you can now buy them as individual snack packs! 

June Favourites


Wow I can't quite believe we are 6 months into the year, I've never done a favourites post before but better late then never right? Let's just start this thing slap bang in the middle of year! I tried to pick just 5 favourites and keep this post short and sweet (yeah right ha) but I've somehow ended up with 8, so here we go. 

The Melt Crowd | Flamingo Candle

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Out of all the subscription boxes I've tried, a candle box has to be the most unique and exciting one. I'm a candle addict and having them delivered to my home every month is just simply marvellous. Even better, its one of my favourate candle brands - Flamingo Candles! You may have seen my review a few months back on Flamingo Candles Scent Melts where I raved about how wonderful they are.

Why Wheatgrass Isn't As Bad As You Might Think


When you hear the word wheatgrass I'm sure your instant thought is, why on earth would you want to drink grass. I know mine was! Superfoods have become a big thing in the last couple of years and it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, me included. I was at a stage where I was desperate to get well and heard of people using these "miracle" superfoods to naturally heal themselves, I naturally was intrigued as I'm not a fan of modern medicine so I went a little bat shit crazy and bought 5 different types, including wheatgrass.

The Coconut Balmi | Review

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I have been wanting to try one of these lipbalms FOREVER and when the kind people over at Balmi HQ sent me a coconut one to try I was thrilled. Not just because I finally got to try one of these but because I love everything coconut scented and flavoured, summer is not summer without me smelling like a coconut. 

Yankee Candle Red Velvet Is Back!


Oh I do love a candle, I am unquestionably a candle horder. Right now under my bed is a huge storage box filled with half used candles and most of them are Yankees. I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame, it's an addiction for sure.

Teapigs Peppermint & Chocolate Flake Teas | Review

I am a huge tea lover. I used to drink countless cups of black tea a day before I decided to go caffeine free. I switched to one decaf black tea a day and introduced flavoured tea as an alternative to my 4/5 cups a day addiction and have never looked back.  
I was super excited when Teapigs sent me these two teas to try (NB: although I was kindly gifted these teas, all opinions are my own) I drink a lot of peppermint tea anyway as its exceptionally good for the digestion and bloating that I suffer greatly with, I normally go for Twinings or on occasion the Clippers ones but I must admit these Teapig version are by far the best I've tasted.

Latest In Beauty Box | Glamour Summer Edit

Beauty Boxes - one of the best inventions around and I'm sure whoever came up with the idea of a monthly subscription filled with beauty bits is rolling in it. However, what I really like about Lastest In Beauty is that they do one off boxes that you don't need to pay a subscription fee for and are packed full of amazing pieces.

My Favourite Lips Products | Review

This post has been long overdue, I'm obsessed with make up in general but lipsticks and balms are my weakness. Ever since I was a child I would beg my mum when we popped into boots for a new Chapstick and as I got older and had my own money, I just couldn't resist buying a new one every time I saw an intresting flavour or packaging. I am still yet to even finish a whole one, one day!
To this day I have to quickly sprint past the aisle in boots to resist the temptation of buying any more because I seriously have no more room and just not enough time in the day to use that many haha. 
Right now these are my top used lip products. 

Motivational Monday | Judgement


Here I am again with another motivational Monday for you, this week I'm talking about judgment. We all judge people, whether we know a person or not - as the quote goes "never judge a book by its cover" and the same goes for people. I've delved a little into this topic before when I did a post a while ago on comparison, which funnily enough is one of my most read posts.

Gooey Banoffee Cake | Tutorial


I'm a big fan of Banoffee pie and thought this cake is ideal for you banana loaf or banoffee pie lovers out there as it combines the two perfectly. I used my tried and tested Victoria Sponge (well Mary Berry's) recipe which I know always comes out ok and I'm glad this time was no exception. I made this just yesterday for a birthday and I think it went down well, I liked it anyway!

Foodies Festival

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Last weekend I won free tickets with Vita Coco (who also kindly sent me coconut water too!) to attend the Foodies Festival in Brighton, it's the UKs largest food festival and is held in 13 different venues across the country at various times of the year.


The Spring Tag

1. What three colors remind you of spring?
Pastel colours - pink, mint & coral. 

2. What is the first thing you add to your spring wardrobe? 
Normally a new pair of sandals, generally from Accessorize but this year I went a little hair flower bando crazy. Oops.

3. What are your ultimate nude and bright lipsticks? 
My ultimate nude is Mac Creme Cup, it's perfect for every skin tone I think. For me personally my favourite bright lipstick is Mac Girl About Town, it's a bright pink and is a great colour for blondes.

Motivational Monday | Happiness

I've spent years doing what I think I SHOULD be doing not because I want too but I want to make others happy and hate letting other people down. I found I would make myself miserable worrying what people would think if I didnt/couldn't do something and would force myself to do it regardless of my own happiness. I saw a quote that said "do only what makes you happy" and thought to myself, what the heck am I doing. 

Pink Parcel | May

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know i reviewed a Pink Parcel box back in March and might have a fair idea of what it is, however if you have never heard of it, read on. Right so, it's a subscription service that delivers your monthly supplies of sanitary goods to you (pads or tampons) but with a little twist at just £9.99, including postage. I like to think of it as a beauty meets lifestyle box.

Motivational Monday | Trying


We've all been there, beating ourselves up because we might have failed at something we expected to go well or just didn't get the outcome we wanted. Mistakes though are how we learn, how we improve ourselves. As the quote says "mistakes are proof that you are trying" and do you know what, trying is just as good as succeeding, well maybe not as appreciable but it's enough. 
With chronic illness, I make quite a few mistakes with misjudging what I can and can't do and sometimes I really push my boundaries just to see what I'm capable of. 

The Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum In Oil | Review

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Let me start off by saying, why on earth have I not been using a serum of some kind all these years? I've been struggling recently with quite dehydrated skin and my usual moisturiser just wasn't cutting it. Since I have combination skin which is prone to spots (damn oily skin!) I am always very wary about trying new products or using anything that is either to oily or highly scented.

Nails Of The Week | NEW Barry M Daylight Curing

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When popping into Boots last week for some dry shampoo I made the mistake of having a look at the make up, although it was only a mistake for my bank balance! I saw that they had the new Barry M Daylight Curing polishes on buy one get one half price and after seeing these being advertised everywhere I knew I couldn't just leave without picking one up. You see I'm a bit of a nail polish addict, I own over 100 different colours and find it hard to resist buying new ones even though I really don't need them. 

Bluebird Tea Co's Candy Floss Tea | Review

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I did a review quite recently on the Bluebird Tea Co in Brighton (which is here) but since then I have got a brand new tea and I'm so excited about it, i had to share. 
It's a new limited edition tea called "Candy Floss" and it's their best one yet! The pouch of tea I have is only a sample but since it's limited edition I need to get my ass in gear and buy some more as this is going to be a favourite over the summer. I'm also looking forward to trying this cold aswell as an iced tea with some crushed ice cubes, mmm.

What's In My Make Up Bag | Summer Edition

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So, I did a whats in my make up bag back in October and think it's about time I update you all. My make up changes regularly as I like to try new products and only stick to a few of the same products that I really like. Also, make up tends to be slightly different in the summer compared to winter, out come all the pinks and beautiful bright lipsticks and away go the dark vampy shades until autumn arrives again in a few months time. There were actually a few other items in my make up bag but they were items I don't use regularly and are mostly duplicates of my everyday essentials, plus a few lip liners. 

Nails Of The Week | Barry M

Oops, I've missed a few weeks on the nails of the week blogging front but I've mostly been wearing the same colours that ive posted before, I have over 100 polishes yet I'm wearing the same 3, figures.
 So here's this weeks!


50 Things That Make Me Happy

1.Feeling the sun on my face
2.Putting on pjs when I get home
3. Trips to the cinema
4. Ice cream straight out the tub
5. Going to the zoo 
6. Burning a brand new candle

The Perfect Cupcake | Recipe

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Cookie dough

Since I started making cupcakes a few years ago I've had a fair amount of people ask me what basic cupcake recipe I use. Mainly because they do, if I say so myself, taste rather scrummy! 
I always think the key to the perfect cupcake is the taste, yes it's all well and good that they look great but do you really want to eat a dry or over baked cupcake? I got my recipe from the Good To Know website and then slightly changed it around until I had what I think is a good size cupcake.

March Films

So, I started what will be monthly film review posts last month & can't help wondering if I need to start watching more films. In 31 days I only watched 4 films, what am I doing with my life? 
I'm going to make a conscious effort just for you guys to start watching more films (plus I do love a good challenge!) 
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