I am a huge coconut fan, anyone who knows me will tell you that. I love coconut water and regularly drink it along with using coconut oil in my cooking (and my hair!), it's not often you see ice lollies made from coconut though. I did attempt my own last summer using coconut water but they lacked taste and were pretty bland if I'm honest. So coconut fruit ices are pretty exciting to me and I bet other coconut lovers out there will feel the same too! When these turned up on my doorstep (thank you Smooze!) i pretty much knew I would like them there and then, plus it was bloody hot that day and my mouth was watering at the thought of a nice cold ice lolly!
The handy thing about these fruit ices is that you buy them in the food cupboard isle (where the cones, flakes and sprinkles can be found) and pop them in the freezer as and when you might want them, so if you've only got room for say 2 then you can keep the others in your cupboard until needed! It says you should freeze them overnight but in my freezer it took about 6-8 hours for them to become completely frozen.
I was lucky to be sent samples of all 4 flavours, simply coconut, mango, pineapple and pink guava. All 4 are made from 40% coconut milk and the rest is made up of fresh fruit juices and purée, so completely natural and no artificial additives and preservatives unlike most ice lollies. 100% vegan, gluten and dairy free too meaning even those with allergies can have them, woo! The best thing for me is that although they do contain sugar it's naturally occurring sugars from the fruit and only less than a teaspoon of natural cane sugar is added to, I'm guessing to give it that hint of sweetness. I like the fact I can eat (or slurp?) one of these without feeling to guilty especially as they are only 66cals each!
They remind me so much of those Jubbly ice lollies you used to buy in the supermarket as a kid that you would freeze at home and cut the end off, does anyone else remember them? Brings me back to my childhood but without all that nasty sugar and e colours! Smooze are simply perfect for both adults and kids too, thanks to the fun and bright packaging - I personally don't even think kids could tell they are a healthy alternative because they taste so good. Having tried all 4, my favourite is the mango, but then I absolutely love mangos anyway!
You can pick these up in both Sainsburys and Waitrose plus independent health food shops for £2.50 for a box of 5 and quite often there on offer too, so keep an eye out! I just wish the ice cream man sold them.
Which do you fancy trying? Let me know!
Until next time xo