Tangle Angel VS Tangle Teezer

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I think we've all heard of the Tangle Teezer haven't we? They've been around since 2007 and are pretty much the must have hair brush. I don't know if many people remember but they were showcased originally on Dragons Den and actually turned down by the Dragons, I bet they wish they hadn't done that now! Until recently I didn't think there was any products like the Tangle Teezer (other than the knock off ones you see in Primark that are rubbish!) but it turns out a company called "Tangle Angel" offer a range of brushes which are pretty similar and work pretty much the same way. The Tangle Angel was designed by celebrity hairdresser Richard Ward because he wanted something that his hair stylists could use in his salons that don't slip out your hand whilst your using them (Tangle Teezer - you do, do this im afraid) so he designed a brush that you could hold either at the handle or by the wings if you need greater control.

Not only do I love the colour of this brush but it's super light. I like that you can hold it two ways - that's pretty handy. The brush, again a lot like the Tangle Teezer has a contoured base that apparently has anti static properties to stop your hair from creating those annoying little fly aways and leave it nice and smooth. The one thing that does makes it slightly different (other than the handle of course) is that the bristles are heat resistant, Tangle Teezers are not designed to be used with heat, so not ideal for blow drying. I use mine with my hairdryer but I've noticed that the britisles are bent over and I have slightly melted the plastic on the front when I accidentally left it next to my hair straighteners, oops.

I really like the idea that you can use this with heat and it won't effect the brushes performance or damage it. However, as much as I love this brush I prefer my Tangle Teezer for detangling wet hair, don't get me wrong it will brush out knots when you have wet hair but not as quickly and efficiently as my trusty Tangle Teezer. I like both brushes but I would prefer to have my Tangle Teezer for brushing wet hair and then use the Tangle Angel when blow drying and styling.

Which brush do you prefer? I love the colour of the Tangle Angel I was kindly sent, it's part of their new hot metallics collection and they even do one called Tangle Angel Baby that's handbag size, it's 
pretty cute! You can pick up any of the Tangle Angel range at Tangle AngelLook FantasticBeauty Bay and Amazon for around £14 for the professional detangeling brush.

Until Next Time xo

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