Lush Haul | New Summer Products

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It's been such a long time since I've done a Lush haul, I don't manage to get to Lush that often and when I do I only really pick up 1 or 2 things since it's all so pricey! A few weeks ago Lush released their summer range even though summer is basically over now, a lot of the products were London's Oxford Street exclusives which i so desperately wanted to try. I only really live about hour and half away by train to London but since my illness took a turn for the worst a few years ago I haven't ventured in so i had missed out on all these goodies, until now.

Firstly let me start by telling you I don't have a bath in my house, now your thinking why have you bought The Experimenter bath bomb then? I know, I'm probably crazy but it was impossible to pass it up. Just so pretty, colourful and glittery that I needed it in my life, my reasoning was if I buy one now I could use it when I am away in December for a few days or hopefully before then if I manage to sneak off to a spa, although that is wishful thinking! I just had to have it, haha. It's packed with popping candy and apparently has actual vanilla bean in - plus after watching plenty of bloggers videos of their baths all jazzy colours I wanted to see it for myself.

The mini shower creams were a must, especially The Comforter Shower Cream as its by far my favourite smell from Lush. I always buy the bubble bar when I'm going away somewhere because I love the blackcurrent aroma, it really is a comforting smell as if reminds me of drinking hot Ribena as a child (& an adult!). The second one I picked up was an Oxford Street exclusive that is now in all stores and is the aptly named Beautiful Shower Cream, it literally smells of peaches which is good since it's made from both peaches and apricots. Not only does it smell delightful but it leaves your skin with a gold shimmer after showering! The best thing about Lush shower creams is that they generally make your skin smell like the products for hours after too.

This is something a little different to your normal Lush products, I picked it up because it was only £2.99 and I was if I'm honest drawn in by the glitter, I'm a sucker for glitter. Once again I think it was an Oxford Street exclusive the Golden Handshake Hot Hand Mask. I do seem to suffer with dry hands even though I moistuise regulary so the idea of a hand mask rather than a cream was quite appealing. It's made from avocado, argan and castor oil so I would hope it's very hydrating. It says on the label that you stand it up in hot water (its on a stick) and pop your hands in the water for at least 15 mintues then massage in or rinse off. I'm looking forward to having a go and if it's a bit rubbish I've only lost £2.99 I suppose.

When I was picking up the shower creams I came across the Refresher Shower Jelly. Having tried two of Lush's jellys before I knew I already like the formula, they really are unique! You can use them straight from the fridge or freezer to increase your blood circulation in the mornings but I just keep mine in the shower and that's fine, because I'm lazy. The only way to describe the texture is - do you remember those little aliens you could buy in goo? It's feels like that! Only of course they smell way better. It's a beautiful lemon scent and smells exactly like those refresher sweets you can buy. The shower jellys are quite slippery so I break it all up and use small bits at a time but there has a been a few near misses where I've slipped on pieces in the shower haha.

I am obsessed with Lush face masks so when I saw Cup O'Coffee Exfoliating Mask i couldn't resist a little sniff and oh my it's strong! If you love the smell of coffee you need to buy this, I don't drink coffee anymore because it's makes me so jittery but I love the smell of a freshly brewed cup wafting through the house in the morning. I was really intrigued by the concept of this mask, it has caffeine in which of course it would since it's made from coffee but the caffeine is used to stimulate and exfoliate the face to help you feel more alert. I don't know if that's true but when I used it on Friday my skin looked brighter and softer as the ground up coffee beans work as an exfoliater. It does get a little messy removing it however but that doesn't put me off using it! 

Lastly this was a sample of the facial soap Coalface, I'm always suprised at how big of chunks Lush give away as samples, I mean this will last me ages! I wanted to try it because I have heard charcoal, which is the main ingredient is meant to be antiseptic and helps prevent spots. I have oily skin so I need to be on top of that to stop them popping up here, there and everywhere. I thought it would come out black on the skin but it's a sort of grey colour and lathers really well, so gentle too. It has liquorice and rosewood in too so it doesn't smell of coal thankfully although it's quite musky. My skin felt so clean and refreshed after using this so I'm probably going to buy the full size which isn't a bad price at £4.95, you only need to use small amount too so will hopefully it will last ages! 

Which products from the new Lush summer line do you want to try?

Until Next Time xo

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