November Nails

Last month I started nail favourites, this here is last months colours I wore. As you can tell since it was a 4 week month, I may have changed my nail colour more than one a week. Oops, bad habit that! 

This polish is called "Baby Please Come Home" and is an OPI mini from the Mariah Carey holiday 2013 set. It's a liquid sand so feels very similar to a glitter polish with a tough finish and is a purple grey colour. They last surprisingly well too it hardly chipped the whole time I wore it and you only need two coats which is perfect.

These two are from the Barry M Aquarium collection that they brought out in the summer but I feel they can still be worn in the autumn winter too! The two tone polish is called "Pacific" and the gorgeous glitter is " Mermaid" in different lights they look different colours and the shine of them is amazing. Thinking of getting myself the "Atlantis" glitter next.

This polish is a few years old but still in perfect condition and was a bit of a random splurge at £12 in Sally's, I picked it up without looking at the price because I was dazzled by the shiny glitter and got a shock at the till haha. It's Called "" and is a beautiful glitter top coat, underneath I have a Nails Inc dark blue, forgive me for not remembering what it's called though. Great colour for winter. 

These came as a set from a friend the Christmas before last and unfortantly don't have a name other than Ted Baker beauty!  However I'm sure you can buy similar versions from Barry M or any other nail polish brand. A cashier in boots asked me what colour i was wearing a few weeks back too and I couldn't help her either as they no longer sell the set.

Two again, Ciates "Talent Scout" which I got in my October Glossybox and a new limited edition polish from Barry M (again!) called " Starlight" this picture doesn't actually show how gorgeous the glitter is with the tiny little stars. I tried it over my gold nails before I repainted them and it looks perfect with the gold. The Ciate Polish has a glossy shine but i used Barry M matte top coat over it.

No7 Gel Look Shine is amazing and this colour "Deep Wine" is perfect for winter. Even though it's such a dark colour it doesn't chip that quickly like I thought it would. Again it's a year old and still hasn't gone gloopy! 

This is another mini polish from the Mariah Carey Holiday collection and again is a liquid sand.  "Silent Stars Go By" is the name and it's a rose gold colour and it's one of my favourite polishes at the moment. It's quite a Christmassy colour or maybe I just think it is because it's part of the Holiday collection, either way I love to wear it at this time of year. 

Next months are probably going to mostly consist of Ciate minis from my advent calendar so keep an eye out in January for that!

Until next time xo
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