The Christmas Tag

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1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
This is such a hard one! I try to watch as many Christmas films as I can from the end of November onwards but my all time favourite (I've watched it twice already) is Elf. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it I still laugh. My other favourite and one I watch every year is Christmas with the Kranks. I don't know if is as well known as a lot of the others but it's got Tim Alan and Jamie Lee Curtis in and it's about them deciding to skip Christmas and go on a cruse as their daughter is not coming back for the holidays this year for her to later change her mind the day before Christmas and they have to make it all happen in one day. Hilarious, worth a watch for sure!

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Well i get to do both. My boyfriend and I open ours from each other on Christmas Eve and then I open the presents from my family on Christmas morning, then if I'm really lucky I get to open a few more at my boyfriends family's house on Boxing Day! So three days of presents spread out normally, I love that! 

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I don't think I have any specific favourite memories but i love waking up on Christmas morning and going downstairs, having a croissant and waiting to open the presents! I went to New York for Christmas in 2008 and that was pretty magical (not to mention bloody cold) When I was little I would wake up in the night and see my sack of toys on the end of my bed and force myself to go back to sleep so morning would come quicker and I could open them all. 

{Rockefeller Ice Rink}

{Central Park}

{Top of the Rock on Christmas Day 2008}

4. Favourite festive food?
Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get hate for this one but I am not a fan of Christmas dinner. There I said it, I don't particulary like roast dinners so to me the Christmas dinner is the worst bit of Christmas day and I would happily skip it. In fact, when we were in Barbados one Christmas I had steak (everyone else has turkey!) and in Florida I had a burger on Christmas Day in an Irish pub in Universal Studios and I was more than happy with that. I do love anything sweet though, especially a Terry's chocolate orange OR a Costa festive drink.

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I don't know that I've ever had a favourite Christmas gift I've had so many lovely things over the years but I do remember I desperately wanted a Mr Frosty ice machine when I was about 8 or 9 and we were at my grandparents with my two cousins and we all unwrapped presents from them and one of my cousins got one and I got a rock set that if you put water on them turned into "crystals" I was so upset, I am still bitter and jealous about that nearly 20 years later. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I can tell you my least favourite scent haha, Christmas dinner! I also don't much like the smell of Christmas trees. I do though like the smell of sugar cookies baking, Christmas candles & gingerbread.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Not really, only in the last couple of years has it become a thing to wear our Christmas jumpers and take a photo in it. Also I like to go out once it's dark and go for a drive and see all the Christmas lights on the houses.

8. What tops your tree?
This varies every year, we've had tinkerbell, an owl, a silver fairy but this year it a gold star. We aren't loyal to any one topper clearly.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I always wanted silvanian familys, others friends collected them and had huge dolls houses with them in. I once got a panda one for my birthday and begged to continue collecting but was told it was to expensive. I was 5, who's says no to a 5 year old who just wanted a friend for the panda? Haha 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I think it has to be the build up to Christmas for me, once it's here it's practically over and your into dreary January and the realisation there is nothing nice again until spring arrives. I love going for festive drinks, buying presents (before the shops go mental and I go into meltdown "I can't handle the people" mode haha) watching Christmas films with hot chocolate and spending time with friends and family! 

What's your plans this Christmas? 

Until next time xo

Happy Christmas!!!
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