Every year I see Facebook photos, Instagram posts and Youtube videos of what people got for Christmas and being the nosey person I am I love watching or seeing these post, so this year I thought I would do the same.
I want to state now that's this is in no way a form of bragging, I realise just how lucky I am to receive such wonderful and thoughtful gifts and am very thankful and humble for them. I would also like to just say that at Christmas I look forward to spending time with family and friends and just wish for good health to be able to get through the Christmas season. More than anything i would love to just have my health back and would trade in all my gifts (I'd like to keep my Tiffany bracelet if I could though too?) to be well again.
The following presents were just ones from Christmas Day, I did receive some lovely ones from my girlfriends too!
This year I decided to wrap all my presents in brown and tartan paper, I wish I hadn't though as every year I forget how hard it is to wrap in brown paper!! Hopefully next year I will remember and buy better gift wrap!
These presents were from my Mum and dad (minus a Tangle Teezer hair brush, urban decay eyeshadow primer and a sleep spray that I already used before took the photo)
I LOVE the Sass and Belle party ring cushion, anyone who knows me will know I'm partial to a good biscuit and I love the cushions they do in shape of custard cream and jammy dodger too.
The Victoria Secrets Pink hoodie and skinny joggers were from my parents trip to NY and are super comfy.
Too Faced chocolate eyeshadow palette is made with cocoa so the eyeshadow smell amazing, I will do a review on it in a few weeks once I've played around with it a bit more and used all the shades.
Tiffany!! I feel very lucky to have got this beautiful piece of jewellery from my wonderful boyfriend on Christmas Eve, I love the way Tiffany and Co wrap the boxes in ribbon and the bracelets (and other jewellery) comes in beautiful duck egg blue or as they call if Tiffany blue pouches. I'm over the moon about this present and have worn it everyday since, not sure I'm ever going to take it off actually haha.
These were the other lovely presents I got from my boyfriend, sad to say the naked bars did make me very happy! Haha
The Yankee Candle Berrylicious candle was a great surprise as I got the small jar for my birthday and was really upset when I had burnt it all as it's one of my favourite Yankee Candle scents, this jar
should keep me going for a a while.
Despicable me PJs were a must, I have seen them a few times on Instagram but never actually mentioned it to my boyfriend I think he must be psychic!
We also got each other practically the same gift, both of us thought we were being original and buying a gift we thought the other one didn't know about it but turns out that great minds think alike!
Boomf is a company that prints your photos on marshmallows and by the looks of things we choose the same kind of photos for each other. What's the odds ay?
This was a little stocking gift from my Parents, a solid chocolate rocking horse from Choccywoccydoodah in Brighton lanes. There gifts always look so pretty with the signature ribbon and tags. Can't wait to devour it (in one sitting!)
I was so lucky and spoilt by my boyfriends family this year even now I am still overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone.
From one of my boyfriends sisters I got the Bumble and Bumble hair set for colour minded hair and the beautiful Sugarhill Boutique hot air balloon Peter Pan collar blouse which is very me.
The Benefit "there real" mascara, Body Shop rose hand cream set, super cute cat blouse and a bow pandora charm are from my boyfriends parents which was really kind and thoughtful. I've wanted the Benefit mascara for ages since I tried the sample version and it looked like I had fake eye lashes on!
The Jo Malone gift was a surprise and wrapped so beautifully by the consultants there that I didn't even want to open it really, the present was from my boyfriends other sister and her family I feel very lucky to have received such wonderful gifts from everyone!
Last but most definitely not least was a necklace that had been spotted in a cute little shop in Arundel on a visit to there recently and I showed to my boyfriend and didn't think about it again and was so happy and surprised when I unwrapped it. It's a pretty and sentimental necklace with a little acorn on it, acorns symbolise strength and when you suffer with a chronic illness you need all the inner strength you can get to keep you positive so this is a present that reminds me to keep going and be strong!
So that's all my presents, I feel so fortunate to receive this many and pretty surprised too if I'm honest at 26 you expect to get less presents! Especially since I had a pact with my boyfriend to not buy lots this year and he did it anyway (I don't mind really though hehe)
What was your favourite present this year?
Until next time xo