Back in October i did a Lush haul with Christmas bits in but last week I popped back into Lush to get some Christmas presents (which are not shown here) and I picked up a few bath bombs for me to take away in January to the forest for a relaxing few days away doing NOTHING!
I decided not to buy all Christmas ones as Christmas will have been and gone by then but I did pick up a few.
As you can tell I think I might have a Snow Fairy problem??
Onto the haul!
First up, this adorable Butter Bear! He's literally the cutest little thing. He's made from cocoa butter and vanilla and smells like the butterball they do all year round, he's a good choice for sensitive skin.
Luxury Lush Pud, I choose this one mostly because it goes crazy colours in the bath and I'm pretty excited to see that! It a lavender smelling bath bomb which is perfect to use before bed to help you unwind and realise all that tension. It apparently smells the same as the twilight bath bomb which I've not used before so I think this is just the Christmas version.
Dragons Egg, this smells like lemon sherbet which I love and even though it looks boring it has tint specks of colour hidden in it so I'm guessing it will release some colour into the water when it fizzes.
I do like a fresh scent!
The Comforter, this is the first one I picked up in the shop as I've seen other people use it and say how it smells amazing. It smells like blackcurrent and to me Ribena. It's meant to create tons of bubbles too so you only need to use half the bar at a time. I'm looking forward to trying this one.
Candy Mountain, as you can tell I love the smell of Snow Fairy so it's no surprise that when faced with a big mound of these bad boys in front of me I had to pick one up. The bubblegum scent is amazing, it's basically the same smell as Rock Star soap and the creamy candy bubble bar but just the Christmas version again like the Luxury Lush Bath Pud.
Last but certainly not least the Magic Wand, which is a reusable bubble bar. The lovely lady in the shop told me she got 8 uses out of thing once so even thought it's £5.25 which I thought so pricey it's probably worth the money as it can be used multiple times. Plus I did pick it up at the check out when I go over excited and splurged, crafty Lush staff. Again it's Snow Fairy scented which pleases me immensely and I like that I could use this with any of the bath bombs to create tons of bubbles too.
So I think I'm fully stocked up on bath attire for a while don't you? Best stay away from Lush, it's hurting my bank account but my skins smelling GREAT!
What's your favourite Lush product!
Until next time xo