Spring Mini Lush Haul

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I swear there is nothing more exciting (well for me anyway!) then going into Lush and seeing all their new products and wandering around eyeing up some new goodies to take back home with you. 
The only downside to Lush is the price, the products are all organic, natural and made by hand so it boosts the price up unfortantly but it doesn't stop me every so often having a little spending spree in there!

I wanted to try a few different products this time and not go crazy buying just bath bombs, there was plenty more I wanted to buy too but I'll have to wait until my next little trip.

I've been looking at the face masks recently,  I've tried 3 of the fresh masks and really like them but having to keep them in the fridge because they are fresh is a bit of pain so this self preserving mask seemed like a winner! I have combination skin and get spots often on my chin and forehead and sometimes get those pesky hormonal jaw spots too so thought this would be great for helping to clear or at least calm down the spots plus leave my face smelling a bit like a candy cane.
It's a unique smell that's for sure, very minty but also sweet I think it will help control those eruptions.

Now these 2 little cuties aren't mine unfortantly, I bought these for my boyfriend who suffers with very dry irritated skin and these seem to help. I know Butterball is a very popular bath bomb as it's made with cocoa butter so great for people with sensitive skin. It also smells great, super fresh!
If you suffer with anxiety or stress this is a good choice the ylang ylang that's added to the bomb is a great relaxant. 

This again isn't for me, sob. But I think my mum will enjoy using it as it smells AMAZING. 
The lady in the shop said it's floral smelling but I just don't see it. I think it smells like sweets, with a hint of orange which I'm right about since it has orange oil in! However, there is geranium in there so the floral undertones can be smelt too. It's also a bit shimmery and might not be great for sensitive skin but a lovely treat for mum!

I saw this bunny and I HAD to get him even though I don't have a bath at home, haha. He's called Hoppity Poppity which is the most darling name and smells fresh and almost herbal, maybe a bit grass like or am I just imagining that since you associate bunnys with grass? Most likely! 
He also is filled with poppy candy. That heart nose though.

I've read a lot of good things about Ultrabalm,  now it's a small tin at 45g and come in at the hefty price of £8.95 but I think it's going to last a long time. You only need a pea sized amount maybe a little bigger depending on the area you need to relieve of dryness, so it may be quite cost effective in the long run. 
You can literally use this anywhere (maybe not everywhere, use your common sense there!) chapped lips, dry skin, hair, brighten or heal tattoos and even to tame those crazy eyebrows.
I thought this would be great for my boyfriend who I mentioned earlier has dry irritated skin and I've read it's great for eczema and psoriasis. Apparently it's good for preventing stretch marks too in pregnancy. 
So I wonder product if you will

Last up I got a couple of samples to try, I've been to wanting to try the ocean salt for a while which is a scrub made of salt (obviously), avocado, lime and grapefruit amongst other things. It smells amazing, really strong . You can use it as an all over scrub but I mostly want it for my face to exfoliate the dry patches that the winter weather and central heating has left very kindly. I'm looking forward to trying it and most likely buying the full size tub soon.
The soap is Fresh Farmacy and I thought I would give it a try with the scrub as it's meant to be a great cleanser for all skin types. 
It's made from chamomile and calamine (remember that awful stuff you put on chicken pox!) it's basically just soothe the skin and can be used on the face and body. Great for oily spot prone skin this one! 

Next up on my list to buy is the Helping Hands cream, I realised by this point I had maybe spent a bit too much and should leave and not look back. They always get you though, putting the till at the back of the shop so your eyes cant help but gaze at everything. I'm just like a kid in a sweet shop in Lush!

What's your favourite Lush product?

Until next time 

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