Rainbow Cupcakes | Baking Tutorial


Recently I made some rather exciting cupcakes, rainbow ones!
They were a lot easier to make than I anticipated actually and I think using gel food colouring was the key to these vibrant cakes.

Firstly whisk up a batch of your favourite basic cupcake mixture. Heres mine if you don't already have one. This recipe normally makes 12 decent sized cakes but to make these bigger (monster!)
cupcakes I just did 7.

170g butter
170g caster sugar
3 eggs
170g self raising flour
1 teaspoon of vanilla flavouring
Splash of milk

Once you've got your mixture made up divide it into 6 bowls evenly (I use an ice cream scoop to do this) and then the messy bit begins!

Colour each bowl a different colour in this order: 

Purple (blue and red)
Orange (red and yellow mixed together) 

I found using Wilton Gel food colouring is by far the best for colouring cakes as you only need a little  so they will last you ages and they are super pigmented meaning your cakes will be bright. You can find them here on Amazon and also in Lakeland. 

Now it's time to make them look like a rainbow! I forgot to mention earlier that its best to use white cupcake cases if you can as your be able to see the layers of colour through the case. Don't worry if 
you don't have any though because the inside will still be bright! 

Place the mixture into the cases in the same order that you coloured the bowls of mixture, each layer will blend together nicely in this order.

Don't worry if they look a little messy because once they are in the oven they should even themselves out.
Pop them in the oven for 15/20 mintues or until a skewer comes out clean at 180 degrees celcius.

Now it's time to ice your cakes.
 You can do whatever type or icing you like, but I choose a plain and simple white buttercream (try and get lurpack unsalted if you want the buttercream frosting as white as possible). I thought that considering how much was going on with the cakes it was best to do minimal icing, so just added a few confetti sprinkles to a yummy vanilla whipped buttercream.

Now to see what the inside looked like and the finishing product!

Pretty awesome right? Not to mention they tasted pretty damn good too! 

Until next time xo

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