Pink Parcel | Review

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For a while now I've seen adverts on Facebook and little snippets in magazines about Pink Parcel, who are a fairly new company that offer a monthly box filled with essentials and treats for your time of the month. When i first read about it i thought it was a bit of a gimmick and probably over priced for what it is. I then saw a few girls on Instagram's boxes (oh social media you've won us over!) and thought for the price of the box you get a decent amount of goods in it and some of the items were in fact quite enticing.

So i signed up and this is my first box! Its £9.99 a month, the first month is £5.95 and you have the luxury of cancel or pausing whenever you want.
It's designed to ease the burden of having your period by giving you the essentials such as tampons or sanitary towels as well as including some little goodies for yourself, which lets face it is the real reason we want these boxes!
Its nice to have something to look forward to at that time as its generally not the best time of the month. If you like me, suffer badly with PMS its a good little pick me up to have when it pops through the letter box.


Pink Parcel comes wrapped in a plain plastic bag so the postman doesn't know your on your period which is always nice and is presented in a box that contains 4 items. You receive a drawstring bag that you can keep in your handbag so you don't get caught off guard, nothing worse than that! A box of either tampons or pads for normal everyday use that are an absorbency of your choice and then one
for bed time which is a nice touch. I like that the boxes are discreet so you could easily store these in your bathroom cabinet and no one would probably even know what they are, great for flat sharing or if you live with boys!

Onto the more exciting side of the box, the beauty and foodie bits!
This month had some good piece in it, especially the Paw Paw moisturising balm. I've been tempted to buy one of these before as I've heard such good things about it, its made from papayas with manuka honey and is great as a lipbalm, on eczema, psoriasis or anyone that has sensitive irritated skin. It retails at £6.99 on its own.
The Teapig chocolate flake teabag sounds nice and I will try that later today along with the Divine dark chocolate caramel bar too!
The addition the OPI polish, the little bath bombs and the Bandzee hair elastics that are the new thing for tying back hair without leaving any kinks are also most welcome.
Not sure I would use the Perfectil, although a great idea I am awful at swallowing tablets and these are HUGE.

The one thing that I think this box could possibly improve on is giving you an option of a mix of tampons and pads as it would be perfect for ladies that like to use both. However, for £9.99 a month I think Pink Parcel is a great deal, you most definitely make the money back in the products and the feminine hygiene products are not cheap either.

I cant wait to see what next months brings and I never thought I would look forward to having a period, if we could maybe skip that bit and just have the box that would be even better.

Until next time xo

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