Sugar Free Peanut Butter Crispy Squares

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These are such a yummy easy sugar free snack to make! They take about 10 mintues at the most and you only need four ingredients. It makes about 8 small squares or 6 bigger ones deciding on your portion size (maybe just one big one??)
You could probably make these chocolate flavoured if you added raw cacao powder in too, yum.

Let's go! 


45g puffed rice cereal (make sure it's a sugar-free brand, like Kallo organic not rice crispys)
5 tbsp Whole Earth crunchy or smooth peanut butter 
4 tbsp brown rice syrup found here
1 tsp vanilla extract (i used vanilla pods)

Start off by weighing out 45g of rice puffs, then add the peanut butter and rice malt syrup to a pan and stir on a low heat until both are combined. Then add in the vanilla.

Pour the peanut butter and rice malt mixture in to the puffs.

Stir until all is combined and not one puff is left without the peanut butter goodness. 

Once all the puffs are firmly stuck together you can transfer them into a tin of your choice. I used a medium lunchbox/Tupperware box. Line with cling film and poor that baby in! 

Once you've got all the mixture in the box, firmly press down and pop some cling film over the top  of the rice mixture. Once again pushing it down with the back of a wooden spoon so that it's all packed in nice and tight. 

Pop them in the freezer for at least 15minutes before cutting. 
You can store these in the fringe, freezer or in an airtight container in the cupboard but eat within two days (or even two hours, am I right?)

Hope you enjoy these little beauties! They have a nice crunch and the peanut butter makes them sweet enough that you won't realise there is no sugar in these.
If you have a hard job finding rice malt syrup then agave syrup is a good alternative (although no longer sugar free) but still better for you then the marshmallow version.

Until next time xo 

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