Motivational Monday | Trying


We've all been there, beating ourselves up because we might have failed at something we expected to go well or just didn't get the outcome we wanted. Mistakes though are how we learn, how we improve ourselves. As the quote says "mistakes are proof that you are trying" and do you know what, trying is just as good as succeeding, well maybe not as appreciable but it's enough. 
With chronic illness, I make quite a few mistakes with misjudging what I can and can't do and sometimes I really push my boundaries just to see what I'm capable of. 

Most of the time this is ok, I may get "payback" later (no scrub that I WIlLL get payback later) but in that moment I am happy I have achieved something my body says is impossible. Other times it can go tits up, this is when I blame and criticise myself for making such stupid decisions, but we shouldn't because at least we tried and I would much rather make the mistake for actually pushing myself to do something and failing than not giving it a go at all. 

We wouldnt be human if we didn't make mistakes it's part of life and how we develop into the person we want to be. We might get our hearts broken sometimes, fail an exam we really wanted to do well in or even just push ourselves a bit to far when we know we shouldn't but we dust ourselves off, take what we can from the experience and better ourselves next time round.

Until next time xo

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