Four Easy Festive Treats | Recipes


It wouldn't be a holiday or change of season on my blog without a baking recipe from me! I recently wrote a post with my DIY Halloween Treats and wanted to do something similar for Christmas. I choose four that are easy and inexpensive to make and hopefully there's at least one you might like to have a go at. 

A Taste Of Christmas | Graze Style

Nothing screams Christmas like a mince pie does it? Snack brand Graze have brought out this limited edition mince pie flapjack just in time for the festive season. It's part of their good to go range that was launched last year and its the little perfect treat. 

Movie Night With A Twist

I saw this idea a few weeks ago on Pinterest and thought how fun it would be to do a lucky dip Christmas movie night. One thing my boyfriend and I can't agree on is what film to watch, most of the time we end up scrolling through Netflix or Prime over and over again before we just give up. This way we have to watch the film in the envelope, so if your indecisive like us then you should probably give this a go too!

Baby Lips | Holiday Edition

I'm a bit slow to writing this post as I've had these for a couple of months now, oops. But I wanted to share how amazing these brilliant and affordable new Holiday Baby Lips are. There is three in the range but I only managed to pick up the two, the best two in my opinion! I am a huge fan of Maybelline's Baby Lips, I'm pretty sure I own most of the different flavours actually. They are by far the most moisturising and nourishing lip balm I've tried. 

It's A Christmas Haul

Only 3 weeks to go! Last year I did a little Christmas haul on here and if was one of my most popular posts, so it's back with cute items I've been picking up this month from various places. Every year I purchase a Christmas candle, new fluffy socks (because who can't resist?) and of course a pair of festive pjs. 

Teapigs Turns 10


Happy Birthday Teapigs

Can you believe it, they are celebrating turning 10 this year. I love Teapigs as a brand, not only is everything ethnically sourced but their teas taste EXACTLY how they smell. That my friend, is rare in the world of fruit teas. I wrote a post for them last year and I have been hooked on the Peppermint Leaves flavour since, no other brand seems to compare. As a special treat they have released a party favourite of both children and adults alike - Jelly & Ice Cream tea! I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw it, not to mention the packaging is pink AND has a party hat on it. 

Self Care With Optrex

Self care is one of the most important things you can do for your body and mind. We're busy bees most of the time and it can be hard to remember that you need to take proper care of yourself in order to do everything you want to do, everyday. The best way to do this is to implement small but necessary new habits into your daily routine. Self care doesn't have to be expensive either, its all about paying attention to your mind, body and soul.

Maple Sandwich Biscuits | Recipe

I recently brought myself some Autumnal cookie cutters because I really wanted to make some leaf shaped biscuits! When searching through Pinterest for some inspiration I came across some cute maple flavoured biscuits and immediately knew this was what I was making with my new cutters. They were super easy to make and you don't need many ingredients or even really any baking skills, they are that simple. I used my trusty years old biscuit recipe so you can be sure these taste yummy.


Jealous Sweets | Review


When luxury sweet brand Jealous Sweets got in contact with me recently to ask if I fancied reviewing their delicious products I thought, obviously! They're not just any sweets though - no no no, these are what I call grown up sweets. Nothing like cheap Haribo (although I don't mind them on occasion too!), these are pretty much an alternative to buying a posh box of chocolates rather than your run of the mill supermarket purchase.

DIY Halloween Treats


Boo! Just kidding, it's just me back with a spooky DIY treat post. I've been looking forward to doing this since the summer and intend to do one for Christmas too, so keep an eye out for that in early December. I've put together (and eaten, sorry hips) 8 Halloween treat recipes that are super easy and don't cost too much for you to have a go at. They are especially fun if your having a Halloween party this year and need a little inspiration. Suprisingly none of these were epic fails either.


Flamingo Candles | New In

Flamingo Candles are one of my favourite brands for all things scent related. Everything about their candles is aesthetically pleasing, not to mention smells incredible. You may have seen a few posts I've written before about them as I am subscribed to their monthly candle melt box too. I just can't get enough of them. I was SO very lucky to have been sent these beautiful new Autumn/Winter scents, they definitely know how to treat us bloggers! 


Treat Yourself | Blossoming Gifts

There aren't many things nicer in life than receiving a bouquet of flowers. Well, unless your allergic to them I suppose! I was approached by online flower retailer, Blossoming Gifts a month ago to see if I would like to try their service and give my thoughts on flowers sent via your letterbox. Obviously I said YES! because who wouldn't want a beautiful bunch of flowers sent to you? Especially ones that are as pretty as these. 


Yankee Candle | Harvest Time

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It's finally Autumn! Everyone says Autumn time is their favourite but it's true, it really is one of the most beautiful seasons. The brown leaves are falling from the trees and are crisp under foot, there's a chill in the air (which after this humid summer we probably all could do with!) and as the dark nights draw in, its time to get cosy with candles and of course, countless mugs of hot chocolate. 
Plus, it just wouldn't be a new season without your favourite Yankee Candles would it? 

Pick & Mix | Feel Unique

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A couple of months ago beauty retailer Feel Unique released an interesting new service where you can try products before you buy, well sort of. They've come up with this brilliant idea of offering their customers a pick and mix range of beauty samples you can purchase for just £3.95. Better yet, the £3.95 fee for shipping is redeemable against a future order with a voucher code they send in your confirmation email, making it essentially free.

Love Me Beauty | Kat Von D

I recieved an email about a month ago advertising that Kat Von D make up was going to be in this months Love Me Beauty edit, I was pretty excited since at the time you could only purchase these items from the US. I've written a couple of blog posts about the brand Love Me Beauty and how their subscription boxes work, if you don't know though you receive 60 credits a month for £13.95 (including shipping) and each product is valued in credits according to their RRP and size. Most products are 20 credits each meaning you can purchase three items from the bouquets with said credits. 

Scent Circus | Review


If you're a regular reader of my blog you will know how much I love candles, in fact I would go as far as saying it's become somewhat of an obsession. I came across this lovely little independent business called Scent Circus recently, who specialise in handmade premium quality soy wax melts. They are all handmade in Yorkshire, use natural fragrance oils and smell AMAZING.

Zoella | Bake My Day Gift Set


It's Christmaaaaaaaas! Just kidding it's still only September. I'm a bit ahead of myself here considering it's not even really Autumn yet, but when I heard that some of Zoella's new Christmas range was being released early for "price establishment" (whatever that may be) I had to see if I could get my mitts on it. Most of it was sold out online at Superdrug, but they had this set still in stock so I grabbed it quick. You may ask, "Steph why can't you wait until the end of September when its launched?" And i'll tell you why, it's GINGERBREAD scented and this excites me SO much.

Sleek | Solstice Highlighting Palette


I've only recently come across the brand, Sleek. My local Boots never used to stock it but after a recent revamp they have added a little Sleek counter, much to my delight. The only product I owned before buying this pallette was a blusher (Rose Gold), which is the perfect dupe for the Nars Orgasm. I kept seeing beauty bloggers reviewing this highlighting palette and it looked suspiciously like the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit Palette, a limited edition product out last autumn that I so badly wanted, but at £65 couldn't really justify.

Warm Summer Nights | Yankee Candle

I know it's nearing the end of August and we generally associate September with Autumn but I'm hoping (and praying) for an Indian Summer, so I'm not breaking out the cosy candles just yet! These gorgeous scents are part of Yankee Candles "Warm Summer Nights" collection, I have three out of the four released and each one has its own unique but equally dreamy scent. 

Cactus Obsessed

Recently I've developed an obsession with anything cactus print. I also love pineapples but that's a whole different story. I don't know where this has come from as I've never shown any interest in them before but it's seems to have become the in thing this summer and it's pretty much everywhere. These are my favourite pieces -

Tried & Tested | Beauty Edition

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Over the last couple of months I've collected a few new beauty items, some of these items are relatively new and you might not of tried them yet. I love reading posts where people tell you if items are "hot or not", its genuinely helpful to know if it's worth spending the money trying out the product.

Pixi | Love Me Beauty

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When I got the email from Love Me Beauty telling me they were adding Pixi products to their boutique i'm not kidding I let out a squeal. I LOVE Pixi By Petra and swear by the Glow Tonic (you can read my post about it here). The only other product I've tried from their range is the Glow Mist and I'm a big fan of that too. Miniature sized beauty products are my weakness but to be honest these are almost full size, Pixi have been very generous.


Origins Mix & Mask | Latest In Beauty

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I have been wanting to try the brand Origins for the longest time but I never know where to start. They always have so many amazing products that I just don't know which one I should buy, I want them all but that is obviously not an option! If like me you love to pamper yourself and use face masks then this is the perfect little box from Latest In Beauty. It's almost like a skincare starter kit. Can you believe this box was £20 and free postage? The contents are worth £78.12 and the VitaZing Energy Boosting Moisturiser is worth £29 alone! As soon as I saw it I knew i had to snap it up immediately as I feared it would sell out and I was right. 

Baking With Dr.Oetker | Part 2 Mug Cakes

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Chocolate cake in only 1 mintue! Never have I heard anything sweeter. Mug cakes are obviously not a new thing but a mug cake mix is (well relatively!) and i for one am bloody excited about it. I enjoy baking cupcakes but sometimes you just fancy a bit of cake and you don't always want to bake 12 cupcakes, what a faff! Dr.Oetker have brought out a quick and easy cake mix that is ready in under 2 mintues (times vary on microwave settings).

St Moriz | Advanced Pro Formula

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I'm a big fan of St Moriz, ive used their medium (sometimes even dark) mousse for years, so I was pretty excited to see they had not only had a revamp on their packaging which looks fresh and clean, but they had added a new collection to their line. 

Yankee Candle | Red Raspberry

I love a good candle I do. I'm not sure where my obsession stems from but I find it very hard to walk past them in shops and get maybe just a little too excited when Yankee Candle release a new range. Your sense of smell is so powerful, because we encounter new odors when we are young smells often trigger memories from our childhoods and hopefully happy times. 
Well, that's the excuse I'm using anyway. 

Latest In Beauty | BYOB


 Beauty boxes are a huge deal at the moment in the blogging world and I'm no stranger to them. I've on and off subscribed to different boxes for a few years but Latest in Beauty is slightly different. I love that the boxes are tailored to you and there's no subscription fees, you just buy a box as and when you want. Building your own box means you can choose exactly what you want to try, whenever you can afford it.

Salt Of The Earth | Natural Deodorant


Deodorants not something we put a lot of thought into is it? Until recently I just bought whichever one was on offer in Boots, that was until I read just how many parabens and chemicals were in our favourite brands! 

Pineapple Funfetti Tray Bake


Sprinkles, who doesn't love sprinkles? I made funfetti cupcakes last year and they tasted great but let's be honest I made them mostly because I just love the pop of rainbow colours. I was going to bake them again but this time I decided why not make a tray bake, its simple, fun and would be great for any occasion.

Benefit | Dandelion Shy Beam


When you think of highlighters you think shimmer and a lot of it. I've nothing against shimmer, in fact I'm a big fan but if you suffer with super oily skin adding a sheen is not going to help. I'm pretty sure that this new Benefit highlighter is the first of its kind, I could be wrong but I've not seen one elsewhere. Dandelion Shy Beam is a liquid MATTE highlighter, yes I know it's matte! Not only is it housed in the most beatiful metallic pink bottle but it's by the far the best liquid highlighter I've ever used. 

Baking With Dr.Oetker | Part 1 Browkies

So here's something a little different, over the next month I'm going to be doing a mini series called "Baking with Dr.Oetker" where I will be russling up 2 easy but super tasty recipes using a variety of Dr.Oetker ingredients that are easily found in most supermarkets all over the country. Dr.Oetker kindly sent me some of their products to bake with and I've taken a recipe from their site to show you what you can do to make baking fun! 


Maple And Whisky | Review


A while ago I came across this cute little Etsy shop called Maple And Whisky and instantly fell in love with their candles. I'm a bit obsessed with candles and own way to many so I didn't buy any at the time, but a couple of weeks ago I came across them again on Instagram and bought a few of their melts on impulse. I'm super glad I did though, they are gorgeous!! 

Sugar Free Blueberries Muffins

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If your on a bit of an health kick or just fancy eating less sugar then I think these little muffins of joy will be perfect for you. Made with honey and wholemeal spelt flour your probably expecting them to be quite tasteless and certainly not as flavoursome as a regular sugar filled muffin, but you would be surprised at how moist (ergh!) and scrumptious they are. The perfect 3pm treat with your favourite cup of tea.

The Neom Stress Relief Treatment


I am the definition of the word stress. I used the thrive on it before I got ill but now just the slightest bit of stress makes me feel very unwell. Stress is so common now that it's sometimes even a way of life for some, this is very damaging as it can have such a negative effect on your mood, health and even relationships with those around you.

Soap & Glory | Sugar Crush


I've been a huge fan of Soap & Glory products since I was a teenager, back then there was only the original pink fragrance available and products were limited, but now you can get this amazing Sugar Crush range. I am literally obsessed with the smell, the gorgeous sweet lime scent is basically summer in a tub. 

Nails Of The Week | OPI Hello Kitty

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A few months ago I wrote a post on the new Hello Kitty OPI collection which featured the beautiful Five Apples Tall polish, when I purchased that colour I also picked this one up and I've been dying to try it ever since. Pink is a hard colour to wear in the winter, it doesn't tend to match many of my outfits as I wear alot of red, so until recently I've stayed away from it, however now it's spring I will be wearing pink on my nails all the time and this is the perfect bubblegum shade.

Cat Furnature | Review

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If you love cats as much as me this post might be worth a read. I have two cats, Frankie and Benny. Yes they are named after the restaurant! I think every cat loves a box or a paper bag to sleep in so Cat Furnature have come up with this genus idea, a cardboard pod that looks like an actual wood box. Gone are the days of having to keep an ugly bitten and ripped up old Amazon box for your cats to lay in, now you can have the luxury of a cardboard box with a bit of style. I must admit the first time I saw one of these boxes in a photo on Emma from Emma's Looking Glass Instagram, I actually thought it was a wooden cube! 


Two Faced Chocolate Bon Bon's | Review

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Ahh, isn't it just beautiful? I'm a huge fan of Too Faced but this has got the be the most beautiful palette they have released yet! This beauty is part of the Spring 2016 collection that was released back in January in the UK and is quite obviously inspired by chocolate. It's the third chocolate palette to join Two Faced's ever growing make up collection and in my opinion, it's quite honestly the best one. I own the the original Chocolate Bar and although it's pretty great this is the one to buy. 


Love Me Beauty | March Edition


I'm a big fan of beauty boxes, what's nicer than a box full of goodies coming through your letterbox? It's certainly better than bills! It's not just beauty boxes i like, there's so many different types to choose from these days from candles (my current obsession) to healthy food. I decided I needed to change up my subscription boxes and try something new. Ive sadly paused my Flamingo Candle and monthly Pink Parcel for a while and I'm going down the beauty route once again. 

Sugar And Crumbs | Part 2 Orange Zest

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on Sugar And Crumbs new Nifty Nozzles and I used their Raspberry Ripple flavour natural icing sugar to frost cupcakes, you can catch up on that post here and learn a bit more about the UK based company. I mentioned that they had sent me a few other bits to try too, so this post is my part 2 using the Orange Zest icing sugar. I didn't want to bake more cupcakes so had a go at two different but equally yummy recipes!

The Manizer Sisters | The Balm


If you've never heard of The Balm before where have you been? Lately they've become a big deal in the beauty blogging world, a cult favourite some might say. They are especially well known for their highlighter "Mary Lou Manizer" and the unique names they put to their products. I've been wanting to try Mary Lou for a while but my Too Faced highlighter (even though it had hit pan) just kept on going, weirdly i can't decide if I should be happy or sad about that? Back in November when I saw they were releasing a palette of all three of the luminizers I just knew i had to add it to my Christmas list.


Flamingo Candles | Bunny Kisses

If you've been reading my blog for a while you will know how much I adore Flamingo Candles. I recently wrote a post on their Limited Edition Valentines Love Bug candle, which smelt amazing, so it comes as no surprise they've brought out an Easter edition too! This is my favourite Flamingo Candle ever and that's a pretty bold statement since I've had the Melt Crowd subscription box delivered to me for the last nine months (that's 72 melts!).  

Sugar And Crumbs Nifty Nozzles | Part 1


A few weeks ago Sugar And Crumbs launched their 2016 blog programme, an opportunity for bloggers who love baking to try their unique products and be creative. I was very lucky to be sent some exciting pieces from their baking collection, I've decided to do my post in three parts as I have a few different recipes i want to share with you! Sugar and Crumbs are a UK family run business who specialise in natural flavoured ingredients, their products are free from gluten, dairy and nuts as well as being both artificial flavour and presevative free.

15 Of Life's Little Beauty Hacks

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The other day whilst shaving my legs an idea struck. Now I know that's an odd time to be thinking about blogging but all my best ideas happen whilst showering! I love finding a beauty hack, something that makes life just a little easier and sometimes cheaper. That smug feeling of knowing you somehow got one up on the beauty industry.
Most of these I have listed you might have already heard about or even tried but I bet there's a couple your be thinking "oh, I must try that!" So here's just 15 of life's little beauty hacks.

Nails Of The Week | OPI Hello Kitty

Opi are constantly bringing out new nail polish collections but this one really caught my eye. I heard they were collaborating with Hello Kitty about a month ago and I knew they were going be super cute. With 6 limited edition shades and 6 salon exclusives, there really is something for everyone in this collection. It's not the colours that drew me in at first though but that sweet little white lid with the faces on, sadly it's just a wrap around but none the less it sets it apart from the rest of OPI's collections.

How to | Funfetti Cupcakes


I know it's still early in the year and we have not long ago eaten our body weight in food over the Christmas holidays but who can resist a little cupcake, especially ones as fun and colourful as these.
I love Funfetti cakes, they are typically a very American cake as we don't tend to put sprinkles inside the batter but aren't they just the cutest?

Love Bug | Flamingo Candles Valentines Edition

Who doesn't want a glittery candle? Not only does this candle smells amazing but it looks really cute too. I am already a huge fan of the Flamingo Candle jars, I like the unique square jars and the little trademark Florrie flamingo carefully placed on each one. If you look closely the valentines edition even has a little heart in the middle! 

Glossybox | Nars Edition

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There has never been a beauty box I've wanted as much as this Nars one. It was a limited edition Glossybox that was on sale back in November now (sorry that it's unavailable!) and never have I had the feeling of needing a materialistic item so much in all my life. Well actually that's probably not true, i remember really wanting the bright pink Motorola flip phone that you could dangle a charm off when I was 15 but that's a whole other story, although in case your wondering I did get one and I was VERY happy. 


Pixi Glow Tonic | Review


The question is, is Pixi Glow tonic worth the hype? If you are a regular blog reader then you would of definitely heard of it. It's one of those products that up until recently was sold out most of the time as you could only buy it directly from the Pixi store in Carnaby Street, London or their online site. They've since lauched it in a few other places that I will link further down. About 6 months ago I decided after loving a sample I received in a beauty box that I was just going to go for it and try it long term, at £18 for £250ml you have to be sure your love it or at least willing to know you might hate it and will have wasted the money, but your ok with that! 

Tangle Teezer Aqua Splash | Review

Can I just start by saying, where has this been all my life? Why have I not been detangling my hair in the shower before now. I have such knotty hair, it gets so tangled that even hairdressers have commented in the past how knotty it gets when wet. I mean if they think that's bad, they should see it in the morning! I love my original Tangle Teezer and wouldn't be without it and this new design from them is the perfect addition to their ever growing collection. 
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