DIY Halloween Treats


Boo! Just kidding, it's just me back with a spooky DIY treat post. I've been looking forward to doing this since the summer and intend to do one for Christmas too, so keep an eye out for that in early December. I've put together (and eaten, sorry hips) 8 Halloween treat recipes that are super easy and don't cost too much for you to have a go at. They are especially fun if your having a Halloween party this year and need a little inspiration. Suprisingly none of these were epic fails either.

First up is my Halloween bark. I saw something very similar to this on the Wilton baking page and actually had most of the ingredients already, they used Candy Corn Candy Melts but since we don't have those in the UK I just bought some white chocolate. You can pretty much add anything you want as decorations. I melted 2 bars of chocolate, lined a pan with some grease proof paper and started adding broken up pretzels (which taste SO good with white chocolate!), candy corn, orange Nerds, Wilton Candy Eyes and a few sprinkles. I left it to harden up in the fringe for about an hour and that was more than enough time to become solid again. Such an easy little treat.

Ok, so these aren't perfect but I get an A for effort don't I? These are basically giant marshmallows on Halloween themed straws. I melted some Orange Candy Buttons (boy were orange ones hard to track down!!) and a bit of milk chocolate, rolled them in it and literally covered them in sprinkles. Easy but effective. For the ghosts I just used an edible pen (Hobbycraft stock these) and drew faces on, you can tell I'm not the greatest artist but they look cute all the same. Asda sell the giant marshmallows which are also great for s'mores and they double in size (explode) if you put them in the microwave, that's always fun to watch. 

Chocolate Orange Cheesecake Brownie Bites. Well that's quite the mouthful, haha get it? These were delicious, I used Jane's Patisserie's cheesecake brownie recipe so you can head over there to see if you fancy making them. I added my own little twist by making the cheesecake part orange and also adding a bit of Nielsen Massey orange oil. You can of course make them any flavour you like but chocolate and orange just go SO well together. If you're short on time, Betty Crocker do yummy brownies mixes too! 

The next three recipes are all hot chocolates, now we're in to October and it's Autumn the hot chocolates are out in full force. Costa have brought out the Toffee Apple hot chocolate which is sickly but tastes delicious. If you fancy making one yourself (let's face it £3 for a small drink is daylight robbery) then have a go at these alternatives! I used 25g cadburys drinking chocolate with 250ml of semi skimmed milk, but you could use any milk really. Almond milk is always nice with hot chocolate. Top it off with some whipped cream, a Halloween themed straw (obviously) and sprinkles/ any decoration you bloody well like.

This is my spooky mummy version. So simple! The same basic recipe as before but with a couple of Wilton's Candy Eyes. The ripples in the cream look like bandages, this was a happy coincidence I must admit. I actually think this is my favourite treat, it's so cute. 

If you fancy an alternative to milk chocolate then you can also use white, like I did in this one. Although you could just use warm or cold (I guess?) milk. I bought some marshmallow Pumpkin Peeps back in September and had no idea what I was going to do with them if I was honest, then this popped into my brain! I attached them to the top of the straw using a tooth pick believe it or not, I did have some ghosts too which I may have slightly messed up, however you could add one of them in the warm milk and watch it melt away.

This would be a fab afternoon snack to have whilst watching halloween movies. I actually really love Hocus Pocus, I would love to know your favourite Halloween film so leave me a comment with yours below! I bought this popcorn from M&S, it was a Halloween special that was orange flavoured but you can use any popcorn you fancy. I just added some candy eyes again ( I swear I'm not sponsored!) and some pumpkin/bat sprinkles I picked up from Asda. This is probably the least calorific treat also haha, sorry about that.

Lastly are my Toffee Apple Cupcakes. I actually made these last year but I thought I should include them as i never got round to writing a blog post. This was the recipe I used, once again I put my own twist on it and did a core centre of caramel sauce (to core centre you just make a hole in the centre of the cake and fill it). I also added Rosy Apple sweets, which were actually really hard to track down - I had to go to an old English sweet shop in the end, places like Mr Simms probably sell them. I remember them being tasty and simple to make. 

So that's all my Halloween treats, please do let me know if you make any! I would love to see them.
I better get started on thinking about what Christmas delights to make now. 

Happy Halloween!
Until Next Time xo

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