Self care is one of the most important things you can do for your body and mind. We're busy bees most of the time and it can be hard to remember that you need to take proper care of yourself in order to do everything you want to do, everyday. The best way to do this is to implement small but necessary new habits into your daily routine. Self care doesn't have to be expensive either, its all about paying attention to your mind, body and soul.
Before I was chronically ill I never made any time to rest, I was always on the go and forever catching colds and bugs. I didn't eat healthy (no idea how I stayed slim!) and most weekends I would go out until late. Only in the last couple of years have I made time to relax. To be honest I'm not good at it, my personality is very much GO GO GO, but I've had no choice to slow down and actually listen to my body now. Years of not looking after myself as well as I should have is probably what lead me down this path in the first place, but being ill has taught me that you HAVE to look after both your mental health and body in order to be well. It's true what they say, health really is wealth.
It's really easy to add a few things into your daily (weekly at least!) routine, here's some ideas to keep your brain happy -
- Make a to-do list before bed for the next day, there is nothing more satisfying than ticking off a job well done. Another good thing to do is write out your thoughts, give yourself 15 minutes to write whatever you feel like and then bin it. It feels great.
- Breathe, in for 7 out for 11. When your brain needs calming down from a stressful day this really helps to just let go of the negative thoughts.
- Switch all electrical devices off for an hour, lay down and take a nap if you can. If you can't sleep then just daydream about something that makes you happy. The Optrex Warming Eye Masks would be perfect for this occasion! They warm up in 10 mintues and feel like heaven on tired eyes. You can buy lavenders one too for the ultimate relaxation.
- Have a dance, sometimes when I feel wound up or tense I put on some music (normally Taylor Swift, Shake It Off!) and dance around the room. I really hope none of the neighbours see me do this as I always forget to pull the curtains. Haha.
- Pamper yourself, stick a face mask on or/and paint your nails. I like to light a candle, get myself a cup of Camomile tea and use this time to catch up on TV. Normally Teen Mom, my guilty pleasure. Not only will your skin thank you for this but it's good for the soul too. It's also beneficial to your mental health to have a laugh so why not watch a funny film or some stand up comedy?
Optrex recently contacted me to ask if I wanted to try their new Warming Eye Masks (which gave me the idea to write this post), I jumped at the chance to try them since I can't imagine anything nicer than a self heating mask to soothe my poor tired eyes. They are so convenient too as you can use them on planes, before bed or even in your lunch hour! There made from a really soft material and just hook on behind the ears. It works by using something called microsteam technology so that once you open the packet it instantly begins to warm up. The mask doesn't get hot either just warm enough to relax the eyes. They come as a 2 pack for £3.99 or 8 for £9.99. Im going to order the 8 pack from Superdrug as they are currently on offer for £7!
I was also kindly sent the new Actimist 2 In 1 Eye spray to try, I suffer with dry eyes but I'm TERRIBLE at getting drops in, anyone else find they get it everywhere but their eye? Nope just me. You literally spray onto closed eyelids which is much easier, better still it doesn't smudge make up. Plus, you can use it with contacts. Very handy if you work with computers or somewhere that has air conditioning, that really irritates your eyes.
What sort of things do you do to relax and look after youself?
Until Next Time xo
*This post contains a PR sample, but all opinions are my own*