Yankee Candle | Red Raspberry

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I love a good candle I do. I'm not sure where my obsession stems from but I find it very hard to walk past them in shops and get maybe just a little too excited when Yankee Candle release a new range. Your sense of smell is so powerful, because we encounter new odors when we are young smells often trigger memories from our childhoods and hopefully happy times. 
Well, that's the excuse I'm using anyway. 

I tend to gravitate to sweet scents, I'm not a huge fan of floral and fresh candles although I do like Clean Cotton. Red Raspberry is a beautiful fruity fragrance and I can't help but love it. It smells great on cold sniff but even better when lit, there is just enough throw for it to be subtle and not so overpowering you start to feel sick! It's one of those smells that really linger long after you've blown them out too. It smells exactly how you would expect, like jam bubbling way on the stove or when you go raspberry picking after fresh summer rain. I use an illuma lid when burning jars because I like to ensure they burn correctly and pool properly around the edges, I found that you only really need to burn the candle for about 2 hours (after the first 4 hour burn) before its all liquid. 

Next time you are in a shop that sells Yankee Candles keep your eye out and have a sniff, you won't regret it. Right now you can get 20% off all candles at Love Aroma with my code "BLOSSOMBLOOMSPARKLES" too! All large jars are priced at £21.99.

Let me know what your favourite scent of all time is.

Until Next Time xo

*This post contains a PR sample but all opinions are my own*

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