There has never been a beauty box I've wanted as much as this Nars one. It was a limited edition Glossybox that was on sale back in November now (sorry that it's unavailable!) and never have I had the feeling of needing a materialistic item so much in all my life. Well actually that's probably not true, i remember really wanting the bright pink Motorola flip phone that you could dangle a charm off when I was 15 but that's a whole other story, although in case your wondering I did get one and I was VERY happy.
So when I got the email saying the launch date and I could register for early access I was on it, 8.50am I was there waiting patiently for it to come on sale at 9am, after numerous attempts and a lot of page refreshes I managed to secure a box. Hurrah! However when I got to checkout it was £35 (non member price) plus delivery which made it about £40. Being November I knew I couldn't really justify spending this much on a beauty box for myself when I had to buy everyone's Christmas presents so I moaned to my boyfriend about the matter and spent the rest of the day in a right old huff. I must admit after that I forgot about the box UNTIL Christmas Eve when I unwrapped a Glossybox from my boyfriend and thought why the hell has he got a Glossybox subscription delivered to his house? The excitement of realising it was THE Nars Glossybox was all to much and I actually cried over make up, although really it was the fact he had actually bought it for me knowing just how much I wanted it.
So what's in it I hear you cry? Five beautiful products that's what. They are all deluxe miniatures, made with the exact same matte packaging Nars use on their full size items, even the box it comes in has the rubbery matte feel to it. Everything feels very luxurious, I wish I had taken a photo of it when it was still wrapped in black tissue paper complete with a Nars bow.
Nars Audacious Mascara - A brand new product launched only in September and one I was excited to try. The packaging is lovely with the red top which is some thing a bit different, it feels heavy and expensive and dare I say it again luxurious. Even the plastic wand is red, not that you can see it for all the black mascara. I've used it a few times and it really does add volume and length to the lashes, not to mention separates. It's quite a wet formula so if you suffer from leaky eyes syndrome as I call it I wouldn't use this, your have black around your eyes in no time. The only negative I can find is that it doesn't really last all day, it is prone to flaking.
Nars Blush | Orgasm - I've wanted to try this blush FOREVER and it's one of Nars most popular blushes. It's the size of a single eyeshadow and is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I'm a sucker for miniature products though. I like that it still comes with a mirror. I've never bought it because I was worried it wouldn't be my colour but it's actually a very beautiful pink with gold specks, it comes out quite light and is easily buildable but also well pigmented. It's like a blush and gentle highlighter in one. At £23 is not cheap but I would consider buying it.
Nars Multiple | Orgasm - Probably not a product I would choose but recently I saw Tanya Burr using it in a video and thought how flattering it was on her so I'm glad Nars included it in the box. It's the same colour as the powder blush but in a cream stick form. At £29 it's the most expensive product in the box but it is multipurpose and can be used on lips, cheeks and eyes. It blends in well and leaves you with pink cheeks and a subtle shimmer. I tried it on my eyes (with a primer!) and it creased something shocking so I would just stick to using this on my cheeks in the future.
Nars Larger Than Life Eye Pencil | Via Veneto (black) - Not usually a fan of pencil eyeliners as they rub off my oily lids in seconds but it glides on easy and doesn't appear to budge all day. I was pleasantly suprised by it if I'm honest. The best thing about this eyeliner (other than it lines your eyes, ha) is that at the bottom of the stick is a tiny sharpener you can pull off to use! I mean genius or what. You don't actually have to sharpen it however since it's a twist stick but I like it none the less.
Nars Satin Lip Pencil | Rikugen - Lastly is a lip pencil, a pretty chunky sized one at that. It's a gorgeous warm rose shade and is an easy everyday wearable colour. It would probably suit most skin tones it pretty much just enhances your original lip colour adding a nice sheen. It smells pretty good too, like sweets! The only thing I'm not keen on is that you need to sharpen it, I mean being a lip pencil this seems obvious but most stick products are genuinely twist ups and it seems a shame the product won't stay looking perfect. There not a bad price at £19 for a full sized one but I think I would choose a brighter colour since I prefer a bold lip, but if rose pinks are your thing then this is perfect.
Overall I'm really happy with the box and its contents. I found a couple of items I would probably purchase and it's great to have finally tried a Nars product after lusting over them all these years. I think it would of been nice to have added in deluxe miniature of the Copacabana illuminator that all the beauty bloggers love just to round it up to a neat even six but hey you can't have it all.
What's your favourite Nars product?
Until Next Time xo