A Little Cup Of Kindness
Monday, 10 December 2018
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Well it wouldn't be Christmas without my annual Flamingo Candles post! I wrote one last month all about their Autumn/Winter scents, which you can find here if you fancy a read.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Monday, 3 December 2018
Ahh my first Christmas post! I'm kicking it off with a Bomb Cosmetics special because they've recently launched their Christmas range. I've been part of the Bomb Babe Squad for over a year now and their lovely PR babe, Tara sends us the best packages to try and review. You may notice a bit of a theme with this package as we have gone full on PINK. Don't forget to also check out the other bomb babe squads posts too, you can find them all over on the Bomb Cosmetic's Instagram.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Thursday, 22 November 2018
So just before we get onto the Christmas candles (& boy do Flamingo Candles have some CUTE ones!), I need to tell you about their Autumn/Winter range. There’s that time between Halloween and the 1st of December where you don’t want to decorate too early but you need some cosy vibes in your home. Well we’ve got your back! There’s even a 25% off code for you at the end of this post.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Advent calendar time is upon us and this years Ciate offerings are just as exciting as previous years , maybe better! It's currently on offer at the time of writing this post so you need to be quick to get it for 40% off.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Candle season is upon us! I mean it's not an official season but Autumn is the perfect time to get lighting, especially once the dark evenings start to draw in. It's almost a crime if you cant be found under a blanket with hot drink in hand and a candle flickering by 7pm. Bomb Cosmetics have just released a new range of Jelly Candles which you will not only want to smell but also touch!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Friday, 14 September 2018
I'm back with a new recipe for you guys and this time it's one of my favourites to bake and more importantly, eat. I've yet to come across someone who doesn't like Biscoff spread! Lotus Biscoff is a caramalised biscuit that you often get in hairdressers, traditionally enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee. However a few years ago the Belgian company made it into a spread and that was a total game changer!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
It's been so hot recently and i've been spending alot of time at the beach. I practically live on it so it's not far to go and there is nothing nicer on a warm day than a sea breeze! Knowing that I live on the beach, the lovely PR babe Tara over at Bomb Cosmetics sent me some beach themed bits to try. If you didn't already know I am part of the #bombbabesquad with some other lovely bloggers and we test out products to give you an idea of what to buy!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Last summer I bought a beauty bag that was filled full of really useful deluxe minis and when I saw they had released another, Beautiful Escape Second Edition, I knew I had to get my hands on it. All the products in the box are part of the Estee Lauder companies which tend to be quite luxurious and high end brands.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Sunday, 1 July 2018
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It’s finally summer time and the sun is shining, which means we are getting those meat sticks out and spending time topping up our tans. Or in my case just trying to get a hint of colour to my very pale arms and legs! Not everyone enjoys sitting in the sun and of course it can be super damaging to our skin so I’m always looking for a good alternative to give me that summer glow. I’ve tried ALOT of fake tans in the last 10 + years but I think Isle Of Paradise is going to be a brand we hear a lot of this year!
The best thing about summer is all the tropical vibes! I love coconut, fruity scents when the weather hots up and Bomb Cosmetics spring/summer collection doesn't disappoint! When I arrived home to find a parcel on my doormat I could smell it through the box, I was so excited.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Saturday, 26 May 2018
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This type of post is very much out of my comfort zone as I tend not to tell anyone apart from my parents and my boyfriend much about my illness and how it REALLY effects me. I guess I’ve felt ashamed and embarrassed by it, it makes me feel like a bit of a failure and I’ll do almost anything to try to show people that I’m still me and still "normal", whatever that is.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
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These aren't new products from NYX but they are just as popular now as when they were released a few years ago. With 46 shades in the Soft Matte Lip Cream range there is bound to be one to suit everyone. I only have 4 but i'm hoping to add to my collection soon! Not only is there a shade to suit all but they are only £6 each so totally budget friendly.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Friday, 6 April 2018
It's that time of the year again where all the spring/summer releases are slowly coming out and we can think about pastels and bright colours again! As usual, Flamingo Candles new range doesn't disappoint and there is definitely a scent for everyone.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Thursday, 29 March 2018
This month is National Bed Month so I've collaborated with well loved sleep and relaxation brand Feather and Down to bring you some tips to help you sleep, or at the very least maybe give you some ideas on how to improve your sleep hygiene. Apparently nearly 90% of people still say they feel tired when they wake up in the morning. This doesn't actually surprise me considering we live in a world where it's becoming increasingly difficult to switch off!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Saturday, 17 March 2018
I'm back with a new cupcake recipe for you this week! Just before Christmas I was lucky enough to win a few boxes of Mighty Fine's honeycomb and mighty fine it was. Honeycomb is my absolute favourite type of chocolate treat and this one is pretty luxurious if I do say so. I did share the love though and gave a couple boxes away to a few special well deserving people too. But I knew I wanted to make something yummy with it so here's my chocolate honeycomb cupcakes!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
You've probably seen a lot about Glamglow recently as the face masks have become quite the cult beauty product. However, I'm not going to talk about the masks but the Glowsetter Make Up Setting Spray instead and my thoughts on whether its worth the money or just another brand fad.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Monday, 12 February 2018
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Every year I like to make a little something for Valentines and this year, instead of my go to cupcakes, I decided to make biscuits. For Easter last year I made Nutella Bunny Biscuits so these are a take on those, however I have used a different recipe and you might of noticed from the title, they are also gluten free. If you fancy making them with regular flour then use the recipe in my bunny biscuit post!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Thursday, 8 February 2018
Last year I was chosen to be part of Bomb Cosmetics #bombbabesquad so I am back with my third post and this one is very Valentines themed. Bomb Cosmetics have just released a MASSIVE new range of bath blasters, mallows, candles and even cards for you to send to friends, family and loved ones!
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Who doesn't love baths? If you've put your hand up then we genuinely cant be friends. You may have heard of Bubble T before, they are a company who make delicious smelling bath products that contain none of the nasties such as parabens and sodium laureth sulfate (which can irritate the skin) . There products are also cruelty free and not to mention VERY affordable.
A Little Cup Of Kindness
Thursday, 1 February 2018
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Do you remember when you used to put up your hair and you would either have to cut the band out or it would cause a massive knot when you pulled it out? Or if you popped one on your wrist and by the end of the day you would worry you have potentially cut your circulation off! Well not anymore, no dent hairbands are the way forward and I'm putting these two rival bands to the test.