Get Your Tan On With Isle Of Paradise

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It’s finally summer time and the sun is shining, which means we are getting those meat sticks out and spending time topping up our tans. Or in my case just trying to get a hint of colour to my very pale arms and legs! Not everyone enjoys sitting in the sun and of course it can be super damaging to our skin so I’m always looking for a good alternative to give me that summer glow. I’ve tried ALOT of fake tans in the last 10 + years but I think Isle Of Paradise is going to be a brand we hear a lot of this year! 

Isle Of Paradise is a completely new type of tanning product. It’s made with coconut oil, chia seed and avocado (amongst other things) to hydrate the skin rather than dry it out, it offers a streak free tan that’s super easy to apply whilst also looking totally natural. The formulation reacts with your skins natural amino acids so no orange meat sticks here! 

Not only does it give you a lovely natural tan but it smells good too and it’s cruelty free. I love how so many brands are these days, although there are still too many that’s aren’t!! You may have noticed there are three types of tanner.

Water - Self tanning water that you spritz onto both face and body. Just needs gently rubbing in with a tanning mitt.

Drops - 1-12 drops can be added to your normal moisturiser or serum to give you a gorgeous glow. The more you add the deeper your tan.

Mousse - A light whipped mousse that you buff in with a tanning mitt that already has the guide colour so you can see where your applying it. Perfect for first time tanners! 

My thoughts..

I literally couldn’t wait to try these. I’ve been seeing a lot about the self tanning drops on Instagram and because I get such dry, flaky skin (I’m sure I’m part lizard!) I knew they would be perfect for me.    I mixed about 4 drops into my favourite Soap and Glory moisturiser and made sure I really blended it in. There’s obviously no guide colour like with the mousse so you need to make sure you really concentrate on rubbing it in. I added a little more moisturiser without the drops to my elbows, knees, ankles and wrists too! I actually forgot I even had fake tan on as it doesn’t have that fake tan scent and it just sunk into my skin nicely. It wasn’t until the morning when I looked at my arm and thought, holy crap I’m brown! I expected it to be quite gradual (use maybe 1-2 drops if you want it very light) but it was a gorgeous natural looking bronze. No streaks and blended together really well! I actually used the tanning water on my face - you can totally use the drops by mixing with your normal serum or face moisturiser but I just used the water like a mist and didn’t blend it in. I just let it dry on to my skin and I can tell you, not one patch or mark! It looks like I’ve been sitting out in the sun. I would recommend using a tanning mitt to rub it into the skin on the rest of the body though. The mist smells AMAZING as it’s scented with peppermint and eucalyptus, really soothing. The one big thing to remember is, wash your hands after applying! I forgot because it was in my moisturiser and I had an orange mark on my palm for a while, doh.

I don’t think I can go back to other tanning products now. I love the feel of the refreshing mist on my face and the use of drops in a moisturiser is game changing. Not only did I end up a nice colour but I had fully hydrated silky smooth skin. I do recommend though exfoliating before you apply, it doesn’t say you have too but I think it helped! They also come in three shades which is perfect since everyone’s skin tone is different. Light would be perfect for the winter months to just give you a little boost.

If you fancy giving these a go you can pick them up in their Tan Shop or from Boots who currently have 1/3 off a lot of the products! It’s well worth the extra bit of money and I can see the drops lasting quite a while too.

Have you tried anything like this before??

Until Next Time xo

*This post contains PR samples, however all opinions are my own*

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