I'm back with a new cupcake recipe for you this week! Just before Christmas I was lucky enough to win a few boxes of Mighty Fine's honeycomb and mighty fine it was. Honeycomb is my absolute favourite type of chocolate treat and this one is pretty luxurious if I do say so. I did share the love though and gave a couple boxes away to a few special well deserving people too. But I knew I wanted to make something yummy with it so here's my chocolate honeycomb cupcakes!
Recipe makes 12.
170g Self raising flour
170g Unsalted butter
170g Caster sugar
3 Eggs
2 tbsp Good quality cocoa powder
Splash of milk
Cupcake liners
( I don't actually remember where my rose gold ones are from but you can find some on Etsy
Buttercream Frosting
250g Unsalted butter
500g Icing sugar
Splash of milk
Mighty Fine honeycomb
Honey to drizzle
1 tbsp Vanilla paste
Method -
First things first, preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius and line a muffin tin with 12 cupcake cases of your choice. Next cream the butter and sugar together either by hand or with a electric mixer, make sure it's soft and creamy. Beat in the eggs and then add in the flour, a little at a time mind you. Once everything is thoroughly combined add a splash of milk and the cocoa powder. I like to use an ice cream scoop to pour the batter into the cases, it ensures you get an even amount in each one. Bake on the middle shelf for about 15-20 minutes, resist the urge to open the oven door though until the last five minutes or they will sink. Pop a skewer or a knife in the center of the cake to check the cakes are fully baked, they should be a nice golden brown on the top which is obviously a little harder to judge with chocolate cupcakes but just aim for not burnt.
Leave them to cool for at least an hour. In the mean time you can prepare the buttercream icing. Hopefully your unsalted butter will be soft and squidgy (but not melted) by this point, the perfect consistency for buttercream.
Cream the butter for a good five minutes until it becomes paler in colour, add in the icing sugar a little at a time so that your kitchen and you for that matter are not covered in a cloud of white powder. Make sure the buttercream is soft in consistency but not runny enough that you cant pipe neatly.
I also added a little honey into the icing to give it a hint of flavour but not be overpoweringly sweet. It's up to you if you want to just add the vanilla though. I do say to use unsalted butter as well but sometimes the saltiness can cut through the sweetness so you can use your own judgment on which you might prefer. I used rose gold dust and bits of cut up honeycomb to decorate but again you can use whatever decorations you might like, the nice chunk of honeycomb is the best bit of these cupcakes though!
This post wasn't sponsored (although I am open to that haha) but I really wanted to share the recipe with you and share a little honeycomb and Mighty Fine love. Their salted caramel and gingerbread pouches are amazing, so I can imagine the peanut butter ones would be awesome too.
Let me know if you make these!
Until Next Time xo