Flamingo Candles | It’s Christmas Time

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Well it wouldn't be Christmas without my annual Flamingo Candles post! I wrote one last month all about their Autumn/Winter scents, which you can find here if you fancy a read. 
Now onto the candles!

Flamingo Candles, who I have mentioned at least 20 times on my blog by now, are a British company that is based in South Wales and has been around since 2013. They use only natural soy wax and cotton wicks, every candle is also hand poured by the Flamingo team! Their original jars have the trademark Florrie the Flamingo on but more recently they have added a lot of  new and fun designs too. You can find them at many trade shows and fairs - to keep up to date with where they are going next follow them on their InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

Christmas Pudding Candle - This of course smells like, you guessed it..Christmas pudding! A must after Christmas dinner (or a sponge pudding if, like me, your not fond of the taste) I do however really like the smell of this candle, I think it's because it smells like marzipan in my opinion. Probably because it has almonds in and to me that's the overpowering scent. I say overpowering, I love it! I can also smell the orange, cinnamon and possibly raisins. If you want a true Christmas scent that's not pine or just cinnamon sticks then try this! 

Frosted Candy Apple Reindeer Candle - A sweet apple scent, it smells exactly like the salted caramel apple unicorn jar I had a couple of years ago. The tart apple is perfectly balanced out by the sweet caramel and vanilla scent. I also LOVE the acrylic gold reindeer on the front. Pink and gold go so well together.

Don't you just love that they do matching lids too? All the square jars are £12 and have a burn time of up to 50 hours! You do have to remember to burn them for at least 4 hours at a time, especially on the first burn. Candles have a memory and they end up tunneling if you don't burn them properly.  Go check out the Flamingo Candles website and see what takes your fancy!

Until Next Time xo

*This post contains PR samples, however all opinions are my own*

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