Bluebird Tea Co's Candy Floss Tea | Review

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I did a review quite recently on the Bluebird Tea Co in Brighton (which is here) but since then I have got a brand new tea and I'm so excited about it, i had to share. 
It's a new limited edition tea called "Candy Floss" and it's their best one yet! The pouch of tea I have is only a sample but since it's limited edition I need to get my ass in gear and buy some more as this is going to be a favourite over the summer. I'm also looking forward to trying this cold aswell as an iced tea with some crushed ice cubes, mmm.

What's In My Make Up Bag | Summer Edition

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So, I did a whats in my make up bag back in October and think it's about time I update you all. My make up changes regularly as I like to try new products and only stick to a few of the same products that I really like. Also, make up tends to be slightly different in the summer compared to winter, out come all the pinks and beautiful bright lipsticks and away go the dark vampy shades until autumn arrives again in a few months time. There were actually a few other items in my make up bag but they were items I don't use regularly and are mostly duplicates of my everyday essentials, plus a few lip liners. 

Nails Of The Week | Barry M

Oops, I've missed a few weeks on the nails of the week blogging front but I've mostly been wearing the same colours that ive posted before, I have over 100 polishes yet I'm wearing the same 3, figures.
 So here's this weeks!


50 Things That Make Me Happy

1.Feeling the sun on my face
2.Putting on pjs when I get home
3. Trips to the cinema
4. Ice cream straight out the tub
5. Going to the zoo 
6. Burning a brand new candle

The Perfect Cupcake | Recipe

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Cookie dough

Since I started making cupcakes a few years ago I've had a fair amount of people ask me what basic cupcake recipe I use. Mainly because they do, if I say so myself, taste rather scrummy! 
I always think the key to the perfect cupcake is the taste, yes it's all well and good that they look great but do you really want to eat a dry or over baked cupcake? I got my recipe from the Good To Know website and then slightly changed it around until I had what I think is a good size cupcake.

March Films

So, I started what will be monthly film review posts last month & can't help wondering if I need to start watching more films. In 31 days I only watched 4 films, what am I doing with my life? 
I'm going to make a conscious effort just for you guys to start watching more films (plus I do love a good challenge!) 

Day Out | Gaston Farm

Its lambing season! Spring is my favourite time of the year, the flowers are blooming, the sun has come out (bloody chilly still though) and it's finally time for lambing season which believe it or not I love more than Christmas time! I know, say what? 

Anyone who knows me knows I am a animal lover, I can't even go into Pets at home without visiting every animal and talking to them in the most stupid baby voice I could possibly make but throw in baby animals (not literally) and you can't drag me away.

This is the forth year running we have visited Gaston Farm in Slindon, West Sussex and every year I can't wait to go back again. For me, it's heaven! Little lambs, baby ducks & chicks to hold and cuddle  is my perfect day out (yes I'm 26 not 6 like most of the kiddies there, oops) 
I thought I would share some of my photos from our most recent visit last week, just so you can indulge in the case of the "awws" too, your welcome 
(just a little awkward reference there, some of you may get that!)


Easter Malteaser Traybake | Tutorial

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I fancied doing something a little different for Easter this year as I seem  to make cupcakes more than anything else these days and since one of my new years resolutions was to be a little more creative and experimental i decided a no bake tray bake was the perfect idea!

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