Pixi | Love Me Beauty

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When I got the email from Love Me Beauty telling me they were adding Pixi products to their boutique i'm not kidding I let out a squeal. I LOVE Pixi By Petra and swear by the Glow Tonic (you can read my post about it here). The only other product I've tried from their range is the Glow Mist and I'm a big fan of that too. Miniature sized beauty products are my weakness but to be honest these are almost full size, Pixi have been very generous.


Origins Mix & Mask | Latest In Beauty

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I have been wanting to try the brand Origins for the longest time but I never know where to start. They always have so many amazing products that I just don't know which one I should buy, I want them all but that is obviously not an option! If like me you love to pamper yourself and use face masks then this is the perfect little box from Latest In Beauty. It's almost like a skincare starter kit. Can you believe this box was £20 and free postage? The contents are worth £78.12 and the VitaZing Energy Boosting Moisturiser is worth £29 alone! As soon as I saw it I knew i had to snap it up immediately as I feared it would sell out and I was right. 

Baking With Dr.Oetker | Part 2 Mug Cakes

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Chocolate cake in only 1 mintue! Never have I heard anything sweeter. Mug cakes are obviously not a new thing but a mug cake mix is (well relatively!) and i for one am bloody excited about it. I enjoy baking cupcakes but sometimes you just fancy a bit of cake and you don't always want to bake 12 cupcakes, what a faff! Dr.Oetker have brought out a quick and easy cake mix that is ready in under 2 mintues (times vary on microwave settings).

St Moriz | Advanced Pro Formula

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I'm a big fan of St Moriz, ive used their medium (sometimes even dark) mousse for years, so I was pretty excited to see they had not only had a revamp on their packaging which looks fresh and clean, but they had added a new collection to their line. 

Yankee Candle | Red Raspberry

I love a good candle I do. I'm not sure where my obsession stems from but I find it very hard to walk past them in shops and get maybe just a little too excited when Yankee Candle release a new range. Your sense of smell is so powerful, because we encounter new odors when we are young smells often trigger memories from our childhoods and hopefully happy times. 
Well, that's the excuse I'm using anyway. 
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