Beauty boxes are a huge deal at the moment in the blogging world and I'm no stranger to them. I've on and off subscribed to different boxes for a few years but Latest in Beauty is slightly different. I love that the boxes are tailored to you and there's no subscription fees, you just buy a box as and when you want. Building your own box means you can choose exactly what you want to try, whenever you can afford it.
There are 3 different boxes that include either 3, 6 or 9 products starting from £8.99, so it's totally up to you if you want to just buy yourself a little treat or splash out on a full size box. Also they would make a great gift, you can just choose a few bits you think they might like and send it straight to them. The vast selection of products means they offer both full size and travel size (anyone else love miniatures??) so you certainly get your money's worth, I like that you can try items you might not of otherwise bought or perhaps are a little out of your price range.
I paid £16.99 for my box of nine products but the contents are worth so much more and I've already used most of it. The Josh Woods Root Concealer is worth £12.50 alone and the Roseberry Balmi is £4.99 so with just those two products I've made my money back. The packaging is simple just a sturdy black box but to be fair I'm not buying it for the box, although I do keep them to store bits in! Postage is £3.95 but it arrived within two days. They also sent me the wrong item originally and very kindly sent free samples along with the replacement in a separate box a week or so later, I can't really fault their service.
It's free to make an account so I recommend having a browse at their online store and seeing if anything catches your eye. It's the perfect way to try out new beauty bits without the commitment of monthly fees.
Until Next Time xo