Lush Haul | New Summer Products

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It's been such a long time since I've done a Lush haul, I don't manage to get to Lush that often and when I do I only really pick up 1 or 2 things since it's all so pricey! A few weeks ago Lush released their summer range even though summer is basically over now, a lot of the products were London's Oxford Street exclusives which i so desperately wanted to try. I only really live about hour and half away by train to London but since my illness took a turn for the worst a few years ago I haven't ventured in so i had missed out on all these goodies, until now.


Joe and Seph | The Poshcorn

Whilst Joe and Seph's are not a new company I think that many people have never heard of them before. They are a family run business that started out back in 2010 and all the popcorn is handmade in London. They've won 15 great taste awards, so you can imagine your taste buds are in for a treat when you purchase their corn! I first came across them a few years ago when I bought my boyfriend a couples of pouches to put in his stocking, knowing how much he loves his popcorn. The lovely Madision from Joe and Seph's HQ sent me 4 pouches AND one of the new sauces (I know, how generous!) to try and I can tell you it didn't take long for me to rip open the first packet, it was all i could do not to open them all at once and eat the sauce straight out of the jar but somehow I found a little bit of self control! 


My Jo Malone Favourites


Ever since I got my first Jo Malone fragrance 2 years ago on my way to Italy I have been slightly addicted to this luxury collection. My first and probably still my favourite fragrance was Vanilla and Anise but sadly it ran out a couple of months back and I have yet to replace it, I've been lucky enough though to have been gifted by family a couple more and I love them just as much. It's not pictured here but I have French Lime Blossom aswell, although it's lime and judging by the name you would think its a summer smell I think it's more an autumn winter scent. It's quite musky with hints of lime and bergamot so it's a heavy scent which in the summer I don't think works on the skins aswell as light delicate, floral scents.


Cool Down With Coconut This Summer


I am a huge coconut fan, anyone who knows me will tell you that. I love coconut water and regularly drink it along with using coconut oil in my cooking (and my hair!), it's not often you see ice lollies made from coconut though. I did attempt my own last summer using coconut water but they lacked taste and were pretty bland if I'm honest. So coconut fruit ices are pretty exciting to me and I bet other coconut lovers out there will feel the same too! When these turned up on my doorstep (thank you Smooze!) i pretty much knew I would like them there and then, plus it was bloody hot that day and my mouth was watering at the thought of a nice cold ice lolly! 

Why Colouring Is Good For Your Mental Health


Until recently colouring was a fun activity that was reserved only for children and any adult that bought a colouring book with the intent of using it themselves was considered a bit weird. Well how things have changed! Adult colouring books are even outselling cookery books, how crazy is that. So in a turn of events it appears that colouring is now a form of therapy to relieve both stress and anxiety. I bought my first colouring book last year when I was going through a bout of stress from insomnia and bad health, I thought it would help to reduce my anxiety levels and provide me with that much needed calm feeling I so desperately craved. 
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