Dr PawPaw - Are They Worth The Hype?

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So I want to tell you about this little British company that I've recently fallen in love with. There are so many things about Dr PawPaw that I like that I don't even know where to start. I was very lucky to be sent this trio to try recently, it's the first time I had used the Dr PawPaw brand but I have tried a balm that is very similar before, the Papaya Gold Paw Paw Balm in fact. They are alike in the way that both are made from the same main ingredient which of course is Papaya, Papaya Gold however is an Australian brand and they add in Manuka Honey so maybe not ideal for anyone who has a beeswax allergy.


My Thoughts On The #YouLookDisgusting Campaign

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I recently came across a YouTube video by a beautiful young women called Em Ford, a beauty blogger who also runs a YouTube channel called My Pale Skin. She often posts tutorials on her channel showing other adult acne sufferers how to cover up imperfections/scars with make up and I must admit she's pretty amazing at it too! Sadly she's faces a lot of critistim and abuse in the comment section from viewers cyber bullying her, stating that she's ugly without make up or that they can't look at her or on the contrary that she was misleading people because she covered her acne up with "too much make up".


Nails Of The Week | Essie


Oops, its been quite a while since I wrote a post on what's on my nails! I tend to rush doing my nails every week and then forget to take photos, what a bad beauty blogger I am. In my June favourites I included my Essie Fiji polish which is my all time favourite Essie nail colour, although Mint Candy Apple is a very close second. I was having a look through my HUGE collection for something a little different to the pinks I have been wearing lately and came across this little beauty that had been sadly forgotten, pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Graze | Good To Go

Im so excited to be sharing this new range launched by Graze! When the lovely people at Graze HQ asked if I wanted to try the new "Graze - Good To Go" range I literally jumped at the chance! I've previously had the boxes delivered through my letterbox as have most people I think and love that you can now buy them as individual snack packs! 

June Favourites


Wow I can't quite believe we are 6 months into the year, I've never done a favourites post before but better late then never right? Let's just start this thing slap bang in the middle of year! I tried to pick just 5 favourites and keep this post short and sweet (yeah right ha) but I've somehow ended up with 8, so here we go. 

The Melt Crowd | Flamingo Candle

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Out of all the subscription boxes I've tried, a candle box has to be the most unique and exciting one. I'm a candle addict and having them delivered to my home every month is just simply marvellous. Even better, its one of my favourate candle brands - Flamingo Candles! You may have seen my review a few months back on Flamingo Candles Scent Melts where I raved about how wonderful they are.

Why Wheatgrass Isn't As Bad As You Might Think


When you hear the word wheatgrass I'm sure your instant thought is, why on earth would you want to drink grass. I know mine was! Superfoods have become a big thing in the last couple of years and it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, me included. I was at a stage where I was desperate to get well and heard of people using these "miracle" superfoods to naturally heal themselves, I naturally was intrigued as I'm not a fan of modern medicine so I went a little bat shit crazy and bought 5 different types, including wheatgrass.
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