The Coconut Balmi | Review

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I have been wanting to try one of these lipbalms FOREVER and when the kind people over at Balmi HQ sent me a coconut one to try I was thrilled. Not just because I finally got to try one of these but because I love everything coconut scented and flavoured, summer is not summer without me smelling like a coconut. 

 I know that Balmi is very similar to the American brand EOS but since I've never tried one I can't really compare the two. The difference though is that the EOS balms are spheres and these little cuties are cubed.

The balm itself is infused with Vitamin E, Jojoba oil and Shea butter so be prepared for some soft, supple, moisturised lips. I like how easy it is to use aswell, no dirty fingers in pots so completely hygienic, the domed shape makes for a easy application and I was suprised at how soft and nourished my lips felt for hours after I used it. Even slightly glossy. They come with a little keyring/bag attachment which I personally find gets a bit in the way so will probably remove but could be perfect for popping on your car keys or attaching to the inside of your bag if you are prone to loosing things easily (not me, ahem!).
It's a great size too, I can't comment how long it may last but if your anything like me and hoard lipbalms your most likely end up buying a new one before it runs out anyway!

Balmi do five different flavours I believe - Mint, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrent and of course the Coconut and they all contain SPF 15, perfect now that summer is here. A little 7g pot will set you back £4.99 in Boots which may be a tad high for such a small product, but to me it's about the novelty factor and it does do its job - plus they smell (and taste, oops) heavenly! 

What do you think of Balmi?

Until Next Time xo

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