2017, the year of self care. I think a lot of us are guilty of not looking after ourselves as well as we probably should, wether it be eating cosy comfort foods or neglecting our skin until it resembles sand paper in the winter. I cant help you eat better (pot calling the kettle black and all that!) but I can recommend a product that will help transform your skin for under £1.50!
Ooharr are a British brand that specialise in manufacturing face masks that are made using carefully selected natural ingredient's to keep your skin hydrated and radiant at the same time, which lets face it is bloody hard work in the winter months. Central heating and cold weather can be harsh on your skin and leads to dryness, cracking and redness. This new cream mask range is slightly different to the clay face masks Ooharr also sell, these rich face creams feel more like a moisturiser and don't dry the skin out like clay does making them a lot more nourishing for the skin.
Don't get me wrong, I love a clay mask too and use them when my skin is having a break out but these are perfect for this time of year.
There's two different scents in the range, Juicy Burst and Fruity Magic both equally smell delicious, good enough to eat almost. You get 15ml in a sachet and more than enough for two uses. Juicy Burst is made using cucumber, soothing calendula and olive whilst Fruity Magic is packed full of pomegranate, honey and aloe vera. It says on the packet to leave on for 10-15 minutes but I had mine on a good half hour before I remembered it was still on my face! Does anyone else do that? I get totally distracted doing something else. My skin felt really smooth and fresh after, I tend to use a toner to make sure I've removed all the excess as well. I only have one slightly negative thing to say and that is, its hard to remove. Because its a cream it can feel a bit greasy as it leaves a protective layer to lock in the moisture, its not a bad thing though it just feels a little odd.
You can actually pick these up in quite a few pharmacies and health food shops throughout the UK or you can buy them directly from Amphora Aromatics for £1.20 each.
That's just 60p a use!
Until Next Time xo
*This post contains PR samples, but all opinions are my own*