Tangle Angel VS Tangle Teezer


I think we've all heard of the Tangle Teezer haven't we? They've been around since 2007 and are pretty much the must have hair brush. I don't know if many people remember but they were showcased originally on Dragons Den and actually turned down by the Dragons, I bet they wish they hadn't done that now! Until recently I didn't think there was any products like the Tangle Teezer (other than the knock off ones you see in Primark that are rubbish!) but it turns out a company called "Tangle Angel" offer a range of brushes which are pretty similar and work pretty much the same way. The Tangle Angel was designed by celebrity hairdresser Richard Ward because he wanted something that his hair stylists could use in his salons that don't slip out your hand whilst your using them (Tangle Teezer - you do, do this im afraid) so he designed a brush that you could hold either at the handle or by the wings if you need greater control.


Lush Christmas Sneak Peek


That's right, somehow Lush's winter list has been leaked to the public, hurrah!
I'm pretty sure they all come out in October so we haven't got to long to wait but these photos were not meant to be released until the end of September so, your welcome. Plus, thank you to whoever found these originally! We love you.
So from top left to bottom right let's find out what they all are.

The Perfect Movie Night Essentials


I've been thinking about writing a post about the perfect movie night in for sometime and then as if by magic the lovely people over at Proper Corn sent me some popping corn to try, what's more essential to a movie night than popcorn I ask? Ever since I was a child I've associated watching movies or cinema trips with popcorn, you can smell it as soon as you open the door and it's such a yummy smell that triggers great memories for me. So although I was sorted on the popcorn front, we needed some more snacks, becauses what a movie night without you pigging out on junk food!


Popband London | Your New Best Friend


Popband London are not a particularly new company but I've only just come across them. They make hair bands that don't crease your hair and leave it kink free when you take your hair down. Pretty neat huh? I first tried one of these type of hair ties when I received a pack by a brand called Bandzees in a Pink Parcel box earlier in the year and loved them! I suffer with frequent headaches and normal hair ties can sometimes make my hair feel tight and my headache worse, these bands you can hardly feel but yet they keep your hair in position perfectly. 

August Favourites

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I'm back with my second favourites post! Coincidentally I've ended up with 8 favourite products again, a right mixture of bits too - some beauty, some edible! Let's crack on.

The Melt Crowd - September | Flamingo Candles

(Click on the photo to see them up close)

Back in July I got my first box from Flamingo Candles and couldn't of been happier (you can find it here) and today I received Septembers box in the post which seems crazy because how is it September already?? You might at this point be wondering what happened to August but I was so busy I didn't have time to review it, however i will pop a picture of it at the bottom so you can see what was in that box! If you have never heard of Flamingo Candles and have not read my post from July then here a little info about it all..

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