The Melt Crowd | Flamingo Candle

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Out of all the subscription boxes I've tried, a candle box has to be the most unique and exciting one. I'm a candle addict and having them delivered to my home every month is just simply marvellous. Even better, its one of my favourate candle brands - Flamingo Candles! You may have seen my review a few months back on Flamingo Candles Scent Melts where I raved about how wonderful they are.
This is a brand new subscription box, it only started in June but it's already proving to be very popular. For me presentation is important and that is one thing that Flamingo Candles never fail deliver, the packaging of the scent melts are bright and appealing to the eye and the fact you can smell how glorious they are through the packaging really helps tremendously. All products are handmade, organic and made from soybeans in the UK. They are a fantastic way to try different scents before you invest in one their full size candles (which you most certainly are going to want to do!).

The Melt Crowd, which by the way I love the name of, are sent out to subscribers on the first of every month and each box has 8 scent melts from their range. This month two were melt club exclusives which I was excited to try. Your first box comes with a free wax burner which is perfect for newbies who have not used scent melts or wax tarts before, very generous and thoughtful! Even though I have a couple of burners I will be using this one for sure.

Now onto the fragrances! I was surprised to find I liked every single melt in my box. I expected to have at least one I wasn't keen on, but no! By a stroke of luck I had only tried ONE before too and it was my all time favourite Raspberry and Salted Caramel Flamingo Candle, what is the odds of that? 
This months box included:

- Pink Lemonade
- Mojito Cocktail
- Oriental Lotus And Rose Otto
- Island Breeze (Scent Club Exclusive)
- Cucumber And Melon
- Lemon Curd
- Raspberry And Salted Caramel 
- Green Tomato Leaf  (Scent Club Exclusive)

The only one I was hesitant to try was the Green Tomato Leaf but it's actually a perfect fresh summer scent. Earthy and not at all an invasive. Just crisp. I know Jo Malone have a Green Tomato Leaf candle too so I'm interested to see if they are at all similar.

The Melt Club is £10 a month (including postage!) I personally think they would make a great gift for someone and I absolutely love the concept plus it's just so cheap! The Melts are priced at £2 each on the Flamingo Candle site so your getting a great deal, a £6 saving if you were to buy them individually (without postage costs). Each melt has a burn time of up to 30 hours and gives off an almost instant fragrance. The melts are strong with a great throw without being to pungent and overpowering.

If you fancy giving them a go you can sign up here and cancel at any time. Go on, you know you want too.

Until Next Time xo 

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