My Thoughts On The #YouLookDisgusting Campaign

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I recently came across a YouTube video by a beautiful young women called Em Ford, a beauty blogger who also runs a YouTube channel called My Pale Skin. She often posts tutorials on her channel showing other adult acne sufferers how to cover up imperfections/scars with make up and I must admit she's pretty amazing at it too! Sadly she's faces a lot of critistim and abuse in the comment section from viewers cyber bullying her, stating that she's ugly without make up or that they can't look at her or on the contrary that she was misleading people because she covered her acne up with "too much make up".

This led Em to make the video "You Look Disgusting" which has racked up 13 million views since she posted it on the 1st July, yes 13 million!! That's when the #YouLookDisgusting campaign was launched, an anti bulling tag that's going crazy on both Twitter and Instagram.
The video sends a pretty powerful message to the beauty world, it begins with Em's bare face with hurtful words that viewers have left scrolling on the screen, she then applies a full face of make up which I personally think is remarkable, she has a lot of talent when it comes to make up. She shows the positive comments she receives but also unfortunately a selection of negative comments stating she's "lying" about the way she looks or that she shouldn't wear make up, telling her it's why her skin is so bad.
It's upsetting to think people think it's their right to voice an opinion that is so spiteful and full of hate. Em ends her video by wiping her make up off with the powerful but truly simple message of "You Look Beautiful". Women should be empowering each other not tearing into each other, it's sad to think we leave in a society that thinks you can judge someone based on their appearance and if it's not quite up to you standard or liking you feel it's ok to just go ahead and tell them that. 

Em is encouraging everyone to share their thoughts with the #YouLookDisgusting and I really hope the unrealistic beauty standards that magazines and social media create are replaced with self confidence and the message Em has created because you know what, you are beautiful! 

You can find the video here and Em's blog at My Pale Skin, I do encourage you to watch the 3 minute long video and I would love to know your opinion on it.

Until Next Time xo

*Images taken from Google*

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