What I got for Christmas (haul)

Every year I see Facebook photos, Instagram posts and Youtube videos of what people got for Christmas and being the nosey person I am I love watching or seeing these post, so this year I thought I would do the same.

I want to state now that's this is in no way a form of bragging, I realise just how lucky I am to receive such wonderful and thoughtful gifts and am very thankful and humble for them. I would also like to just say that at Christmas I look forward to spending time with family and friends and just wish for good health to be able to get through the Christmas season. More than anything i would love to just have my health back and would trade in all my gifts (I'd like to keep my Tiffany bracelet if I could though too?) to be well again. 

The following presents were just ones from Christmas Day, I did receive some lovely ones from my girlfriends too! 


The Christmas Tag

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
This is such a hard one! I try to watch as many Christmas films as I can from the end of November onwards but my all time favourite (I've watched it twice already) is Elf. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it I still laugh. My other favourite and one I watch every year is Christmas with the Kranks. I don't know if is as well known as a lot of the others but it's got Tim Alan and Jamie Lee Curtis in and it's about them deciding to skip Christmas and go on a cruse as their daughter is not coming back for the holidays this year for her to later change her mind the day before Christmas and they have to make it all happen in one day. Hilarious, worth a watch for sure!


November Nails

Last month I started nail favourites, this here is last months colours I wore. As you can tell since it was a 4 week month, I may have changed my nail colour more than one a week. Oops, bad habit that! 


Mini Lush Haul

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Back in October i did a Lush haul with Christmas bits in but last week I popped back into Lush to get some Christmas presents (which are not shown here) and I picked up a few bath bombs for me to take away in January to the forest for a relaxing few days away doing NOTHING! 
I decided not to buy all Christmas ones as Christmas will have been and gone by then but I did pick up a few.

As you can tell I think I might have a Snow Fairy problem?? 

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