Mist Me Up | Patisserie De Bain

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Patisserie De Bain are one of those brands that the scents make you wonder if the product could actually be edible! I mean there not, so I don't recommend you eat it but it always smells SO good. The latest launch from the brand is the body mists which I personally think are multi purpose and will appeal to everyone.

Patisserie De Bain is part of the Rose & Co family which was founded by Caroline Rose, its a mix of both French and English inspirations, but made in the UK. The range is made up of nostalgic scents such as lemon bon bon and sugared violets, which are my absolute favourite.. Very childhood inducing scents. I was lucky to be sent all four of the body mists to try out and I've been using them for a couple of months now. I like to really give products a try before I review them and I think these have had a good test run!

Here's my thoughts on each of them;

Sugared Violet - As I said, this is my all time favourite scent as it smells exactly like Palma violets and isn't too over powering. Palma violets are a very love/hate sweet though so could be a bit hit or miss if you like it or not.

Strawberry Cupcake - I could actually sniff this one all day, again it smells like sweets. Reminds me of those strawberries and cream pieces you used to be able to get for 1p in your local newsagents. Oh how I miss those days.

Sweet As Cherry Pie - If you love cherry scented things you'll love this, its really strong. Maybe a little too strong if I'm honest. I'm a big fan of the hand cream version and I do like the packaging. It would however make a nice candle.

Cranberries & Cream - I thought this would be my least favourite as the hand cream was a little underwhelming in this scent, but I actually use this one a lot. It's probably the most subtle out of them all and has the sweetest scent, yet its the one I spray the most. Cant put my finger on what it is I like about it, I just do!

These would be perfect to keep in your gym bag or for teenagers to take to school as they wont break. Although these are designed to be body mists I must admit I also use mine as room sprays, I told you they were multi purpose!

Inside my PR parcel was this cute little message in a bottle, I love the idea of spreading a little happiness! They weren't wrong either, there really is no angry way to say bubbles.

The mists are £6.99 for 150ml bottle and you can pick them up along with the rest of the Patisserie De Bain range at Superdrug or via the Rose & Co website.

I wrote a post earlier in the year reviewing the hand creams, I absolutely love them and thoroughly recommend checking them out too. They are also often on offer at half price (& right now for £1.95 each)

Until Next Time xo

*This post contains PR samples, but all opinions are my own*

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