Let me start off by saying, this was an absolute nightmare to take a photo of! Shiny metallic objects are not easy to capture and it's a miracle I finally managed to get two half way decent photos. On the plus side, isn't it GORGEOUS? Never before have I seen a rose gold lipbalm so when the Balmi HQ sent me over this beautiful balm to try I was over the moon. Your probably wondering at this point what flavour it is because I certainly had no idea, I mean it could be anything. True to its packaging it's called "Roseberry" and I couldn't wait to open it and find out what delicious scent it had. This is where its gets a little tricky, I actually don't know how to describe it! I thought it might possibly smell of roses but it's a fruity smell (& taste), reminds me a bit of a Chapstick boots sold when I was a child that was strawberry flavour but without being intensely sweet. I can't really tell anything from the ingredients as it just states "aroma".
All Balmi lipbalms are made with Shea Butter, Vitamin E and Jojoba oil and if you've been reading my blog for a while your remember I did a post back in June on the coconut one which tells you all about these balms, so I will try not to repeat myself if I can help it. Balmi's are one of the most moisturising lipbalms I've used and slide on so smoothly, leaving your lips glossy. So not only do they smell amazing and soften yours lip but they look cute too. As I mentioned in my previous review they are a little bit like EOS balms that are sold in America only these are in square packaging compared to the EOS circular shape. I still haven't tired an EOS so can't compare the two
but I do prefer the look of the Balmi, I love the little cube shape and its really easy to just throw in your bag as you know the balm inside won't get damaged because of the sturdy packaging.
I can only find one negative and even then it's only a small one, from past experience I noticed that you have to be very careful when opening and closing the lid as its a twist top and if you are a little heavy handed you can damage the lipbalm inside when popping the lid back on if you do it to quickly.
Other then that I love my Balmi, this one is part of the new metallic range which is rather stunning. There are two equally beautiful new balms in the range - cherry and blackcurrent, plus dont forget the old favourites like coconut, mint, strawberry and raspberry. You can pick up your own Balm (7g) in Boots and Superdrug for £4.99.
Don't forget all the Balmi cubes contain SPF 15 which is just as important in the colder months as in the summer!
Which would you like to try?
Until Next Time xo