The Perfect Movie Night Essentials


I've been thinking about writing a post about the perfect movie night in for sometime and then as if by magic the lovely people over at Proper Corn sent me some popping corn to try, what's more essential to a movie night than popcorn I ask? Ever since I was a child I've associated watching movies or cinema trips with popcorn, you can smell it as soon as you open the door and it's such a yummy smell that triggers great memories for me. So although I was sorted on the popcorn front, we needed some more snacks, becauses what a movie night without you pigging out on junk food!

Propercorn sent me a section of there individual bags (probably a good idea as it's hard to know when to stop with popcorn!) I love the packaging, really bright and colourful. Each bag is around 100cals, some less some more but they would be the perfect movie snack if your trying to be a little healthier and you just want a delicious treat without feeling terribly guilty the next day.

I'm not normally someone who likes savoury popcorn, when the popcorn gods decided to mix salt and sweet together it made life a lot easier, no more fighting with the boyfriend about which popcorn to choose and one of us leaving disappointed. The sour cream and black pepper is my favourite popcorn now and I like to eat it instead of crisps which at 88cals is ideal!

So onto other movie essentials, a den is a must have. I love setting up our air bed in the lounge and grabbing as many pillows, blankets and duvets as I can find - comfort is key! Now this might not be to everyone's taste but I like to light a candle and draw the curtains, nice and cosy. 
In the winter hot chocolates are part of my movie routine but in the summer I like either rose lemonade (my favourite drink!!) or a cheeky little alcoholic beverage, I guess it depends on what time your movie night begins - drinks responsibly and all that! 
Let's not forget chocolate, ice cream and pick and mix sweeties. As you can tell it's going to be an indulgent night but as long as you don't do it every night then why not go all out and enjoy yourself. 
Lastly, movies! This for us is the hardest decision, it must take around an hour before we can even decide what to watch. Is it just me who browses every film on Netflix and still can't decide what to watch?? There's so many, just pick one haha.

So once you've got all your goodies and FINALLY picked a film it's time to just relax and switch off for a few hours. No phones! Movie nights are essential, whether you host a movie nights for your friends, have a cosy night in with your partner or even just have a bit of "me" time on your own - it's the perfect chill out time.

You can find Propercorn at your local supermarket and online at where you can also buy merchandise such as popcorn tshirts! They stock a full range of flavours including - Sweet Vanilla & Coconut, Sweet & Salty, Lightly Salted, Sour Cream & Black Pepper, Fiery Worcester Sauce & Sun Dried Tomato and their latest addition to the collection, Smooth Almond & Peanut which sounds amazing. A single sized bag will set you back around 80p and £1.59 for a sharing bag!

Until Next Time xo

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