The Coconut Balmi | Review

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I have been wanting to try one of these lipbalms FOREVER and when the kind people over at Balmi HQ sent me a coconut one to try I was thrilled. Not just because I finally got to try one of these but because I love everything coconut scented and flavoured, summer is not summer without me smelling like a coconut. 

Yankee Candle Red Velvet Is Back!


Oh I do love a candle, I am unquestionably a candle horder. Right now under my bed is a huge storage box filled with half used candles and most of them are Yankees. I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame, it's an addiction for sure.

Teapigs Peppermint & Chocolate Flake Teas | Review

I am a huge tea lover. I used to drink countless cups of black tea a day before I decided to go caffeine free. I switched to one decaf black tea a day and introduced flavoured tea as an alternative to my 4/5 cups a day addiction and have never looked back.  
I was super excited when Teapigs sent me these two teas to try (NB: although I was kindly gifted these teas, all opinions are my own) I drink a lot of peppermint tea anyway as its exceptionally good for the digestion and bloating that I suffer greatly with, I normally go for Twinings or on occasion the Clippers ones but I must admit these Teapig version are by far the best I've tasted.

Latest In Beauty Box | Glamour Summer Edit

Beauty Boxes - one of the best inventions around and I'm sure whoever came up with the idea of a monthly subscription filled with beauty bits is rolling in it. However, what I really like about Lastest In Beauty is that they do one off boxes that you don't need to pay a subscription fee for and are packed full of amazing pieces.

My Favourite Lips Products | Review

This post has been long overdue, I'm obsessed with make up in general but lipsticks and balms are my weakness. Ever since I was a child I would beg my mum when we popped into boots for a new Chapstick and as I got older and had my own money, I just couldn't resist buying a new one every time I saw an intresting flavour or packaging. I am still yet to even finish a whole one, one day!
To this day I have to quickly sprint past the aisle in boots to resist the temptation of buying any more because I seriously have no more room and just not enough time in the day to use that many haha. 
Right now these are my top used lip products. 
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