Sugar Free Banana Bread Recipe

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I'll admit i've lost my way with the clean eating in the last week or two as I went away for a few days and basically ate what I fancied whenever I wanted, bad Steph! 
Now I'm back and it's a fresh week I've started back on the healthy low sugar diet that my body prefers and found this no sugar banana bread (perfect way to use up my over ripe bananas!) 
I was surprised at how sweet this bread was considering there is no sugar used, but the brown bananas and raisins plus a little grind of the Madagascan vanilla beans obviously made it just sweet enough.

I am loving this bread and will be making it again for sure so here's the recipe for you guys to have a go at.


Top 7 hair products of 2014

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This was a hard post to write, I use and try so many different hair products that choosing just my top 7 was always going to be hard, originally it was 5 but I had to add a few extras in but these are my most used and favourite of them all. What's more they are all quite affordable and do different things to help you achieve luxurious hair! 


Two Faced Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette - is it as good as it smells?

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