Healthy food haul

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For health purposes I have recently been trying to change my diet. I have a sweet tooth you see, I love all things chocolate, cupcake and crisps! Especially anything salted caramel (swoon) I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables too and have a varied balanced diet but I just feel I eat a bit to much sugar and I would probably go as far as saying I'm addicted!

I eat really well at times with the just good for you healthy bits, especially since I got a nutribullet blender and juice a lot so I know I'm doing my body good but then sometimes I fall off the wagon, like last week when I went away for a few days and ate mostly junk including waffles, fresh warm donuts, cookies, ice cream and vanilla pretzels! Ouch sorry body. I really don't think the 2 apples, few bananas and grapes counteracted the damage I did!

Having a chronic illness means I need to look after my body as much as I can and I do believe diet helps. I know that when I eat a lot of bad food I become far more fatigued and I also start to get more symptoms appear especially increased dizziness and nausea. So I've decided to be as kind to my body as I can and start buying more healthy snacks and bits to make meals to stop me eating the naughty but oh so yummy bits because if I don't have it I can't eat it right? (fighting the urge to go to my local Tesco express and buy all the chocolate they have!!) i want to point out that I don't think that cutting out the bad stuff COMPLETELY is the way to go either. I have tried this before when I tried a NO sugar and NO gluten diet and all it did was make me miserable and actually pretty anxious!

Here's a few bits I've bought recently from Holland and Barrett and Goodness Direct

First up! The snack bars

I have tried all of these apart from the pulsin raw chocolate brownie which I am pretty certain will be yummy after reading all the reviews on h&bs site! My favourite is the meridians almond bar, I LOVE almond butter so it was pretty much a given I would like this bar! I would say it's like almond butter melted down and shaped into a bar, it tastes exactly like eating almond butter from the jar. Shame it's a bit pricey though. £1.40 each. Ouch. 

Love the food doctor brand and love there bars! They are very similar to nakd bar as is the creative nature berry blissful bar, it's fruit smushed into a bar. Best way to describe it? Hmm haha.   

Rebel kitchen mylk

Now I had 3 of these... banana mylk, orange choc mylk and just choc mylk. However I drank one. Oops. Since taking that picture I've actually consumed the banana mylk too. These are made from coconut milk so they are dairy free! I LOVE them! I wasn't surprised I would since I love anything coconut. A massive plus with these drinks is that every ingredient is good for you, all 3 have coconut milk, cacao which is basically the raw form of chocolate without all the added nasties, date nectar and then orange or banana flavouring. I've seen now that waitrose do a 3 pack so I will have to pop in there and get some as i think they are perfect for taking out with you to stop you buying anything naughty or just to keep in the fridge.

Pulsin soya protein powder

Now I've used protein powders in the past but what I've never liked it that the unflavoured ones are just as expensive as the flavoured and the flavoured ones contain sugar. Plus if you use flavoured in a juice or smoothie it obviously alters the taste. This though doesn't. I don't eat a huge amount of meat so this is great to help boost my daily protein content. I will use it in porridge, juices, smoothies and possibly some muffins.  This 250g bag was £6.99 from Holland and Barrett.

Already I made a yummy milkshake with it. Recipe as follows

1 dessertspoon of Pulsin protein powder
Almond milk (as much as you want)
2 tablespoons of cacao powder 
1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 teaspoon of bionic coconut oil (for the good fats!)
Crushed ice

Who says chocolate milkshake can't be good for you?

Doves Farm Spelt flour

Now this was a bit of a random buy, I've been trying out spelt recently as an alternative to wheat. Wheat bloats me, this makes me sad because I love white bread (with marmite, mmm). So I've been having spelt crackers, spelt pasta and now I want to try some recipes with spelt flour! Maybe some bread but mostly I wanted it to make my own pizza bases! Let's hope i can pull it off. Spelt isn't gluten free but it is a good alternative to wheat, it also has a somewhat nutty taste.

Crackers for crackers (oh dear!)

As I mentioned earlier I love Food Doctor. I use these spelt crackers with hummus as they make great dippers. Or I make a "sandwich" with them and pop some chicken or ham in between two with a bit of salad and mayo and it's good to go. Great alternative to bread and actually very filling.
Now the amisa buckwheat crackers I have bought to try as a substitute for the spelt crackers since I find these crackers hard to track down. Sometimes Tesco have them, sometimes they don't and apparently Sainsburys and Asda don't like to stock these :( I hope they taste nice they look a bit like the RI vita crackerbread so here's hoping! (Fingers crossed guys)

Eat real quinoa chips and propercorn

This is my third bag of quinoa crisps and there really yummy! You wouldn't expect they would be and I certainty didn't the first time I bought a pack. I think they taste like quavers which is a bit weird since there's no cheese in them haha. They are gluten free but I don't think they are very low in calories! Still I enjoy a few with my lunch as an alternative to normal crisps.

Propercorn, the best popcorn there is. I enjoy there sweet and salty too but as I said earlier i do like me some coconut so these are right up my alley! It's a small individual bag but in Waitrose (not sure where else?) they do the share bag too. Low in calories so a good snack and again gluten free. Not sugar free but hey we can't have it all! 

Until next time xoxo

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