Barry M | Matte Me Up Lip Kit


Last month Barry M released a lip kit which gives the Kylie Cosmetic's a run for their money. I know they've been a big deal this last year but I refused to pay $29 (£23) plus postage and customs for a liquid lipstick. I'm so glad a high street brand has jumped on the bandwagon and can offer *almost* the same thing for a third of the price. Barry M is a much loved, affordable brand which I must admit I associate mostly with nail polish and my all time favourite clubbing lipstick when I was 18. Please tell me someone else used to wear that awful frosted baby pink shade!

Matte liquid lipstick have become quite the cult favourite with bloggers recently and I admit I own a few NYX Soft Matte Creams which I love and use regularly, however I am quite dubious when it comes to matte lips as I know some can be ever so slightly drying and make your lips look pretty gross. I tried a Sleek one last year (I still love you Sleek!) but no amount of lip scrub could of prepared my lips for that flakey, cakey hell. I am pleased to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the Barry M Lip kit though, for £6.99 these are well worth the money.

There's three shades in the collection, a nude (Go To), a berry red (Runway) and the one I purchased, a dusky light pink (Pose). They each come with a matching lip liner, although they do appear to be slightly darker than the lipstick so maybe try not to be too heavy handed when applying that.

Onto the application. Surprisingly the lipstick glided on easily. I made sure I used my trusty Lush lip scrub and Eos lip balm before I even attempted to apply it, I have a terrible habit of biting my lips when I'm anxious - does anyone else do that? The lip liner was smooth and firm enough to line the lips without being to slippy like some pencil lip liners. I want to say it feels buttery but its such a blogger cliché! I actually think the shade would look great with many of my Mac lipsticks too. The formula is thin which means you can apply two coats with ease, at first it felt a little dry but after a while I had forgotten it was on my lips. They do fade but I ate and drank whilst it was on and it pretty much stayed put, it seemed to wear off pretty evenly after a few hours or so.

I think they might possibly be a limited edition range (don't quote me on that) and because they are so popular they sell out fast. Currently if you spend £7 on Barry M at Boots then you receive a free gift with your purchase which is a Molton Metal Nail Paint, I chose the copper one!

Have you tried any of these yet?

Until Next Time xo
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