My Birthday | + A Present Haul


How am I 27? When did I blink and become a proper adult. I think I've somehow got stuck at 25 as it's the age I kept telling everyone I was even though I was really 26 - apparently my brain couldn't comprehend being that old! 3 years from 30, how bloody scary is that. Birthday aren't exactly my favourite time of the year unfortunately, since becoming ill (6 years!) the thought of getting older scares me a bit, knowing that I am still sick, that my birthday just marks another year of being unwell and not being where I wanted to be by now. So we try to do something nice to take my mind of it and enjoy it for what it is, this year we went away for a night and had a scrumptious afternoon tea.

Now it's quite risky to plan a night away or book something in advance like an afternoon tea as with ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) and chronic subjective dizziness, my two wonderful chronic illnesses you have absolutely no idea how you will feel from one day to the next. I like to be spontaneous and if I am having a "good" day then go out and do what I can but booking something in advance puts a lot of pressure on me to feel well and because of that I tend to try and force wellness on myself which of course makes you feel worse! However, I could of felt ALOT worse on my birthday so for that I am thankful! 

As you can see from the photos the cakes look DELICIOUS and I had such a lovely time pretending to be posh, ha. For the last 3 years we have gone for afternoon tea for my birthday and it's definitely a luxury at £30 odd a person, but totally worth it! This year we decided to make it a little more special and spend the night at a beautiful country house hotel (South Lodge, if your from down my way) and it made the whole experience so much more relaxing knowing we could do whatever we wanted in our own time. We sat in deck chairs at sunset in the stunning grounds, ordered cocktails and room service and I had a much needed lush bath to round off the day. I don't think I could of asked for a better birthday.

I don't want this post to look like I'm boasting about my presents so I want to just say the reason I have uploaded photos of my goodies is because I love reading these posts on other people's blogs being the nosey person I am, so I've done the same. Not all my presents are here as I also had some gorgeous and thoughtful ones from my friends the weekend before but I had already started using them or put them away! I feel VERY lucky and appreciative of all my lovely presents and know I am one spoilt 27 year old! I won't go into detail about the presents as you can see what they are, so I hope you enjoy having a little nose at them and let me know if there's anything you see that you would like to receive for your birthday or already own.

Until Next Time xo

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