Sticky Orange Almond Cake | Recipe


When I made this sticky orange almond cake a few months back I knew I needed to share the recipe. You wouldn't believe me if I told you it's naturally dairy, gluten and even refined sugar free! It tastes amazing and it's not that hard to make, nor do you need that many ingredients. If your looking for a somewhat healthier treat then look no further, I've got you covered.

You will need the following;

Ingredients -

3 large sweet oranges 
4 large eggs
150g medjool dates (pitted & chopped) 
330g ground almonds 
2tsp baking powder

Method -

First thing you need to do is preheat your oven to 170 degrees celsius and line a round cake tin with parchment paper. If you using a silicone cake tin then you can just grease it with a bit of coconut oil or dairy free butter. 
Place 2 oranges (unpeeled) in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring it up the boil and leave it to simmer on a low heat for a good 45 minutes. Make sure the oranges are fully covered by the water.  Once they are soft and smelling super sweet, drain them and leave to cool down.
Thinly slice the remaining orange and cover the bottom of the cake tin. Then you need to cut the boiled oranges into quarters. Place the ground almonds, eggs, dates, vanilla powder, baking powder and of course the oranges into a food processer or blender and puree it until it's super smooth.

Pour the batter into the cake tin, don't be tempted to eat any even though it will smell SO delicious! Bake for around 1 hour 40, but make sure you check on it around 1 hour 20 so it doesn't burn. Don't be tempted to open the door before then though or it WILL sink. Once you think it's done, check with a skewer or a knife and it should come out clean.

I left it to cool for around 15/20 minutes as I wanted to still eat it warm. This cake is packed full of vitamin C from the oranges, healthy fats and vitamin A from the almonds. If you think the cake isn't quite as sweet as you would like then you could always drizzle a little maple syrup over the top before serving.

Let me know if you have a go at making it, I would love to see it!

Until Next Time xo