15 Of Life's Little Beauty Hacks

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The other day whilst shaving my legs an idea struck. Now I know that's an odd time to be thinking about blogging but all my best ideas happen whilst showering! I love finding a beauty hack, something that makes life just a little easier and sometimes cheaper. That smug feeling of knowing you somehow got one up on the beauty industry.
Most of these I have listed you might have already heard about or even tried but I bet there's a couple your be thinking "oh, I must try that!" So here's just 15 of life's little beauty hacks.

1. Using conditioner to shave your legs - This works better than any shaving cream ive ever used. Leaves you with totally smooth pins and NO razor burn because no one wants bumpy red itchy skin.

2. Coconut oil - Obviously this was going to be on the list! Everyone has used coconut oil for something at some point I'm sure, I use it on the ends of my hair but you can use it as a teeth whitening tool, to remove make up, skin moisturiser and even to cook with. A pot of coconut oil can go a long way, better yet it's 100% natural.

3. Vaseline to make your perfume last longer - I hadn't heard of this before but I gave it a try with my Jo Malone perfume the other day and it works! You dab a little Vaseline onto the pulse points, spray on your favourite perfume and then it should last twice as long. Such an inexpensive hack that one.

4. Baking soda to brighten stained nails - One of the worse things about painting your nails all the time is the fact they tend to go a orange/yellow colour. Discoloured nails are not attractive. All you have to do is mix 1 teaspoon of water with 4 teaspoons of baking soda, give them a little scrub over with an old toothbrush/nail brush and soak for about 5 mintues. Depending how stained your nails are you may need to do this a few times before you see any results.

5. Baby oil on stretch marks - Now I haven't tried this one but I've heard it works! Bio oil and other stretch mark cream/oils are expensive and you have to use them for months to see any results so a bottle of baby oil is a way cheaper option. You just rub in a tablespoon of the oil firmly into the stretch mark for two mintues after having a shower and leave your skin to dry completely before you dress so that it doesn't just rub off into your clothes. You do have to do this EVERYDAY though so you need to be committed.

6. Apply foot cream/Vaseline to cracked feet and pop on some comfy socks for soft feet in the morning - I like this one, it's easy and simple and your have lovely soft feet in no time. 

7. Spray hairspray on clothes to prevent lint - I hadn't heard of this one before but I can imagine it's really helpful. We all have that certain pair of trousers or top that picks up crap literally seconds after you put it on, so this could be the answer to not going out the house looking like you rolled all over the carpet for fun just before leaving. 

8. Spray bobbypins with dry shampoo or hairspray for a better hold - Another use for hairspray! Ive done this a few times since I have quite soft fine hair that does not like being put in clips, you just give the pin a quick spray, wait for it to dry and pop it in. Perfect.

9. Using the bobbypins wavy side against the hair - Another bobbypin hack, I saw this a while ago and since deciding to use the wavy side my hair doesn't fall out (as much). Who knew that was the right way to use them, why did nobody tell us! 

10. Use Sudocrem on those pesky spots - Ive been doing this for the past few years and again it works! Really inexpensive, you just buy a tube or a pot and then you can either dot it onto the spot or if you have more than one in a particular area you can actually slather (what a word) it all over your face. It works by drying out the spots and taking the redness down because it's an antiseptic cream. You can also use it on bites, eczema, razor burn and so many other things. Not just for babies this stuff! 

11. Dry nails quicker by immersing them in ice cold water - There's a rumour around this one that if you mix a bowl with cold water and ice cubes, then submerge your freshly painted nails into the water for a mintue that they will dry quicker. I haven't tried it yet but the next time I paint my nails I will! Other crazy ideas I've heard are sticking your hand in the freezer and spraying cooking oil on your nails, I don't suggest you try these though! 

12. Prevent blisters by rubbing clear deodorant (roll on, of course) on your heels and inside the shoe to stop the friction - This is an intresting one, I will be trying this the next time I buy a new pair of pumps as new shoes ALWAYS rub me. 

13. If you get foundation on your collar use shaving gel and a damp cloth to remove it - There's nothing worse than doing your make up and putting your top on after to find bloody foundation marks have now appeared, oh wait yes there is! Trying a top/dress on in a shop and the only one left in your size has been tried on by the most orange girl you've seen, or you presume so based on the nasty mark they left on the item!! Next time this happens at home give shaving foam a try.

14. Pop your nail polish in the fridge to prevent bubbles while painting - Argh, I hate when you paint your nails in the summer and air bubbles appear. It's normally because either your nails/skin are to hot or just the temperate in the room your doing them in is a bit to warm. Ive put nail polish in the fridge on holidays before and it does stop the bubbles making an appearance.

15. Make your own lip scrub with just caster sugar and food flavouring - You could also add in gel food colouring and make your scrub any colour you desire so that it leaves a hint of it on your lips after scrubbing. I haven't made one of these before but when my Lush bubblegum scrub runs out, I'm on it! 

So I hope these little life hacks help you or you at least learnt something new. Let me know if you try any of them or if you have any of your own I didn't mention that you love.

Until Next Time xo

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