It's A Lush Christmas / Winter Haul

It's not Christmas without a Lush haul right? Every year Lush bring out their winter/Christmas range in November and it really gets you in the festive mood. This year was no exception. I try to stay away from Lush as much as I can as I'm a bit like a kid in a sweet shop in there, I forget you have to pay money for them in the end and go crazy picking everything up insisting I can't leave without it. I don't have a bath at home so I like to splurge a little at Lush when I know I'm going away somewhere that has a bath, which so happens to be in two weeks time for a few days. Some of the bits I picked up were around last winter so lots of you will probably have already tried them but ill tell you about them anyway :)

The Must Have Red Nail Polish This A/W

I love OPI. For as long as I can remember probably before I even went to beauty college I loved OPI nail polishes, that being said they are probably one of the most expensive nail polish brands available. Now the season has changed to autumn and leaves are finally beginning to change I knew it was time to find myself the perfect red polish. 
Autumn is my favourite season of the year, especially now I've added this gorgeous shade to my LARGE collection of beautiful polishes. 

Roseberry Balmi | Review

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Let me start off by saying, this was an absolute nightmare to take a photo of! Shiny metallic objects are not easy to capture and it's a miracle I finally managed to get two half way decent photos. On the plus side, isn't it GORGEOUS? Never before have I seen a rose gold lipbalm so when the Balmi HQ sent me over this beautiful balm to try I was over the moon. Your probably wondering at this point what flavour it is because I certainly had no idea, I mean it could be anything. True to its packaging it's called "Roseberry" and I couldn't wait to open it and find out what delicious scent it had. This is where its gets a little tricky, I actually don't know how to describe it! I thought it might possibly smell of roses but it's a fruity smell (& taste), reminds me a bit of a Chapstick boots sold when I was a child that was strawberry flavour but without being intensely sweet. I can't really tell anything from the ingredients as it just states "aroma".

Matcha | Bluebird Tea

I was very lucky to have recently been sent Matcha green tea to try from my favourite tea company Bluebird Tea Co, if you've been reading my blog for a while you will know I have reviewed their pouches of tea leaves in the past too! I was so surprised when a full size tin of the original matcha and two sample sized tins turned up in the post, I was expecting just one small sample - aren't they the best! I would be surprised if you haven't heard of matcha before, it's been a staple in Japan for many years and is a firm favourite due to its healing and immune boosting properties.
It's made in quite a different way to your usual green tea as instead of using actual tea bags you use just half a tea spoon of matcha powder and add boiling (80 degrees celsius) water and whisk.
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