How Clean Are Your Make Up Brushes?


The struggle is real. 
Trying to get make up out of brushes is bloody hard work. One of the most important things you need to know about applying make up with a brush is that you HAVE to clean them regularly, if your make up tools are dirty not only will you probably end up with spots but it can ruin your make up look too. Until this year i hardly ever cleaned my brushes, disgusting right? Think of all the germs I was spreading over my face, ergh. Make up brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria so it's really important we clean them weekly if they are used everyday. I'm sure everyone has their own way or technique but this is what works me for so I thought I would share it with you!

Yankee Candle | Cotton Candy Review


A while ago I reviewed the Red Velvet Yankee Candle (here) and pretty much declared no other candle will ever come close to how much I love it. This one might possibly be giving Red Velvet a run for its money, although I probably shouldn't compare them as they are two quite different scents. Both are sweet but I think the Cotton Candy scent is a little more summery but its ok to burn it all year long too! Mid winter would be ideal when your craving that summer sun and can pretend your lying on a beach somewhere instead of it being -5 degrees outside.
It reminds me of going to the funfair on the beach as a child, the smell of cotton candy or as we call it in the UK candy floss floating in the air and me begging my parents for a bag.

My Birthday | + A Present Haul


How am I 27? When did I blink and become a proper adult. I think I've somehow got stuck at 25 as it's the age I kept telling everyone I was even though I was really 26 - apparently my brain couldn't comprehend being that old! 3 years from 30, how bloody scary is that. Birthday aren't exactly my favourite time of the year unfortunately, since becoming ill (6 years!) the thought of getting older scares me a bit, knowing that I am still sick, that my birthday just marks another year of being unwell and not being where I wanted to be by now. So we try to do something nice to take my mind of it and enjoy it for what it is, this year we went away for a night and had a scrumptious afternoon tea.

My Top 10 Things To Do This Autumn


I LOVE autumn, it's my all time favourite season. Spring is a very close second. It's such a beautiful time of year when the leaves are falling from the trees and you get to relish in the crisp cool weather, although what happened to summer this year in the UK?
The boots are back out and I'm already hunting down my winter coat whilst simultaneously planning Halloween, one of my favourite holidays! There's nothing more satisfying than the crunch of leaves under your feet is there? So here's my list of my top 10 things to do this autumn to get the most out of the season before winter hits in December, boo.
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