My Top 10 Things To Do This Autumn


I LOVE autumn, it's my all time favourite season. Spring is a very close second. It's such a beautiful time of year when the leaves are falling from the trees and you get to relish in the crisp cool weather, although what happened to summer this year in the UK?
The boots are back out and I'm already hunting down my winter coat whilst simultaneously planning Halloween, one of my favourite holidays! There's nothing more satisfying than the crunch of leaves under your feet is there? So here's my list of my top 10 things to do this autumn to get the most out of the season before winter hits in December, boo.

1. Drink a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks

2. Visit a pumpkin display

3. Watch Hocus Pocus whilst carving pumpkins 

4. Find piles of golden crisp leaves and just have fun in them

5. Hot chocolate and movie night 

6. Bake Halloween treats such as biscuits or cupcakes

7. Burn a pumpkin/autumnal candle

8. Collect pinecones ready for Christmas

9.  Go for a walk in the woods (any excuse to wear my hunters)

10. Make or buy a toffee apple.

What do you like to do every autumn? I would love to add to my list!
Until Next Time xo

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