How Clean Are Your Make Up Brushes?


The struggle is real. 
Trying to get make up out of brushes is bloody hard work. One of the most important things you need to know about applying make up with a brush is that you HAVE to clean them regularly, if your make up tools are dirty not only will you probably end up with spots but it can ruin your make up look too. Until this year i hardly ever cleaned my brushes, disgusting right? Think of all the germs I was spreading over my face, ergh. Make up brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria so it's really important we clean them weekly if they are used everyday. I'm sure everyone has their own way or technique but this is what works me for so I thought I would share it with you!

I use Johnson's Baby Shampoo, not only is it super affordable and lasts ages but it really does remove all the make up and oil that's festering in the brushes. It's also not too harsh on the bristles. When I need to do a deep clean I use Milton Sterlising Liquid  - the one you use to clean baby's bottles with! The reason for this is that you can sometimes get a build up and the brushes need a deep cleanse, so I soak them in a small amount of sterlising liquid and warm water before giving them a really good rinse in hot water to get rid of any excess solution. 

Your probably wondering why I've included the Soap & Glory Face Massage Mini Mitt in a post about how to clean make up brushes but there's a good reason for it, I promise. I came across a post a while back where someone said they used the mini mitt to clean make up brushes and I thought I need this, turns out it was the best decision i've ever made. It saves so much time. It was originally designed to improve the skin by stimulating the blood flow when used as a massager to cleanse the face. I've never used it on my face so I can comment how good it is at that job but its superb for cleaning brushes.

It has a textured bobbley surface so you can just rub the dirty brushes onto it in a circular motion and the dirt just slides off. I just pop a little bit of shampoo on the end of the brush and dip into water before scrubbing away, it's as easy as that. As you can see from the photo it has a little handle on the back so you can easily hold it, although it is made from silicone so it does like to slip out of wet hands! I then use a bit of kitchen roll to dry off the brushes and pop them upright somewhere warm to dry off, they literally take an age to dry so do this at least a day before you want to use them.

For as little as £1.50 for the cleanser and £4 for the mitt I think this is a pretty cheap way to clean brushes compared to other cleaning solutions on the market that are £15-20!

How do you clean your brushes? I would love to know.

Until Next Time xo